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The clanking of pots and pans got the 5sos boy's attention.

They were currently in the living room watching some football (soccer) with Arora's brothers.

Arora placed the pot down on the counter and started to stack the ones that fell back up, carefully not to fall off the chair she was standing on.

"Oh my gosh."

Ashton and Luke came over to Arora, Ashton taking her off the chair and setting her on the counter while Luke put the chair back in its original place.

Calum and Michael put the pots back -with the exception of the one that was separate from the others.

"You could have gotten hurt babe, don't do that again. Just get one of us to get what ever you need anything you can't reach." Luke kissed the side of her lips, and let the others do the same.

"Now," Michael clapped his hands together. "We are now at your service Mrs. Silver." They all bowed.

"No you don't have to-"

"Is that spaghetti that you asked for? Coming right up!" Calum cut her off and went over to the pantry.

Calum was in there for about 5 minutes before coming out with spaghetti and brownie batter.

Arora chuckled but decided to make it anyways.

"Pick what you want and I'll fix it for tonight." She said as she filled the pot with water and set it on the burner.

"It's o-"



Arora smiled and squatted down to the cupboard where the pizza was.

Now, not to say that they were but Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum might have definitely been looking at her ass and thinking nasty thoughts.

Luke whistled while his eyes were still raking up and down her body.

Arora stood back up and set the pizza box on the counter.

Ashton came up from behind her and pressed himself against her. He flipped them around so Arora stood in between his legs and he leaned against the counter.

Arora was more surprised at the sudden gesture.

Calum came up behind Arora and pressed himself lightly against her. Luke and Michael followed behind and came on either side of her.

Michael slowly brought his face to Arora's neck and started to press light kisses to her skin.

Ashton's hand slipped into her back pocket, pulling her slightly closer to him.

Calum grabbed her butt and groped it - because he's a butt kind of guy.

Luke brought his lips to the other side of her neck and started to nip at the soft skin.

Arora's breathing was uneven and heavy. She tried her hardest to keep her eyelids from fluttering close.

"W-what are y-you," Arora let out a deep sigh as their movements became the slightest bit harder. "What, what are you guys doi-ing?"

Her stomach was doing flips as her whole body felt like it was turning red.

She has never felt this way before but she was liking it so far.

"Anything you want us to do." Calum whispered while squeezing her ass, making her squeak loudly.

"Everything alright in there?" Mark yelled.

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