GOT7 - If You Do [K-song Review #6]

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Hey! I know what you're thinking! 'You already did GOT7 before (just a short while ago actually)' or 'we have already heard enough about them'! And yeah, I did. But they are back and with a completely different concept at that. It is ridiculously close after their last mini album release so you can imagine how hard these guys have been working since that song came out; between performing on the live shows and recording and learning more dance moves.

And we all know how I really liked 'Just Right' - how it was just the right level of quirkiness and cuteness that the boys were able to pull it off and still look cool. The whole mini album was quite good even! So to come out again so soon is just crazy talk!

But they have, so let us get into it! Here is my review for GOT7's 'If You Do'.


Can we just talk about how their concept has matured so quickly in such a short period of time? Can we?! I don't exactly know how to categories their genre prior to this song - it has all just been so GOT7. Ther aren't as obvious as groups like INFINITE who have that obvious band sound but you could still tell a GOT7 song when you heard a GOT7 song. You know?

But this? This just cannot be placed in a bracket like that. I feel like this was that moment that Teen Top went from living up to their name as 'Teens' to being men. It is sort of like that but they still have got their own GOT7 vibe. It is just so hard to explain it properly! Like you probably think that I am sounding well crazy now, and tell me if you do, but it is like they have finally grown into men idols, not boy idols anymore.

Now, I must say that after listening to the song from the teasers, I wasn't looking forward to it much. Like, I was looking forward to seeing the video and all but I thought that 'hey, this isn't my type of song so after I hear it the first time, I probably won't be listening to it again'. But after hearing the whole thing, I realised that it was a lot more upbeat than I had first expected. It is very slick, like the music you would hear from a sophisticated bar or something, but more upbeat and I like it!

The verses aren't my favourite. I am going to just say that from the get go. There is something about them that are forgettable but yeah, I can still bop to it. The tune and the 'snapping' sound is quite cool. The rapping is very top notch too.

But the pre-chorus is amazing. Like can we just take a minute to appreciate it. It reminds me (and this is so random and off topic) of Glass Animal's 'Gooey' or something. Like they are no way similar but I am just reminded of it. Still it is so good. And when the drum beat comes in, I am like 'hell yeah, give me more of this'!

The chorus is very good too. I feel like it slows down a bit from the build up and it goes back to being more classy again. But the vocals are so smooth. Like, it is just chocolate melting on the tongue kind of smooth and I love it. I enter a dream like state every time I hear it. I can picture me listening to this kind of song at the dead of night. Not that it would put me to sleep! But it just sounds right for the night time if you get me.

So guys, what was with the talking at like 2:30? That girl that was like "I'll just go to sleep" or whatever the flip she said. Like no, shut up. I get that they are trying to quieten it down before the last chorus and all, which they do and it sounds wonderful by the way, but that line was just so... just so stupid! The English is perfectly fine (like we are not talking Super Junior's Shindong level of talking BS) but it is so ridiculous that I am just like no.

Rant over.

But that final chorus though. The drums kick it up a notch and I am like 'aw snap!' It is amazing and I could listen to it forever. I feel as though the chorus is just too short! I want it to go on for longer!

The video is pretty dramatic lads. Their faces are so intense and I am not used to it with these guys! Especially after 'Just Right'. I am not saying it looks bad on them because they fine and all but it is just weird. Does no one agree with me? They killing the intensity though. Like, they are working it to the max and back again.

They are just going around the place, being all deep and brooding and stuff during the video. So it isn't anything majorly special until the final chorus where they start getting all crazy on me! I am just taking a step back and being like 'chill out guys'. I love the video for the chorus though. It just makes it that much more heart wrenching to listen to I think. And that is when you know the video has worked. It isn't anything overly sad. I didn't cry but it touches you somewhere.

I think that's especially true where (and I apologise because I know their names but I don't know them apart, so I don't know who is who in the video yet - yet being the key word) that lad is boxing, because he is going for it. I mean this is no easy task. Like he was into it. I wasn't feeling the part where he threw his arms back and (silent) shouted but you know, some people like their dramatics.

But the part that got me the most was the chap who was in that Art studio room, who had torn up some pictures. When he sat on the ground and cried, I literally though that this is probably the most realistic cry that I have seen in a music video for a long time. It wasn't over exaggerated. It was just raw and real looking and I am just like this guy should try out acting. Everyone is doing it these days. Like... everyone. Half of INFINITE are actors. We need someone from GOT7 now.

JYP make it happen!


As I mentioned before, JYP Entertainment has been killing it lately. From the Wonder Girls, to Day6 and their debut mini album, I just haven't been able to have enough of these guys! They are putting out good song after good song and good album after good album. And I hope it never ends!

This song isn't my thing. You guys would probably know by now that I like a good hard-hitting song, that has a super heavy beat and some hardcore rapping. However, I love this for what it is. If their was a super suave song that I would recommend, it would probably be this. It carries the best of both worlds. That cool music with a dash up GOT7's crazy personality.

It is an amazing song, hands down. I recommend it highly and I am crazy excited to listen to the full album. I may make a little thing on the full album or mention it somewhere.

But really, damn, JYP you Sir are killing the K-pop scene.

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