LOVELYZ - Ah-Choo / Ailee - Mind Your Own Business + Insane [K-song Review #7]

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We are going girl power today! I am not sure that I have even reviewed any girls on this other than Red Velvet. I can't remember. If I am being honest, I usually rather male groups than females but that doesn't mean there isn't any female singers or groups that I love - 2NE1, 4minute, Lee Hyori and many others produce some of the best music in the business! Also, I've been loving GFriend lately.

But, anyway, enough about other groups! Today, I am going to be reviewing LOVELYZ's 'Ah-choo' and two of Ailee's new songs 'Mind Your Own Business' and 'Insane'. So let's just get into it!



I won't lie, I generally don't enjoy those bubbly girl group songs. Of course there are a few exceptions in there but in most cases I avoid them and avoid listening to them. I do remember liking LOVELYZ debut song, if I can recall correctly - 'Candy Jelly Love' and even their next title track 'Hi~'.

And this song is no different. I actually really love it. There is something very old fashioned about the sound that I can't put my finger on. There is sort of an electric keyboard kind of sound going on throughout which I love. Their voices are amazing too and thankfully, they don't try to stick some baby-like rapping in the middle of it to make themselves more relevant which is always a plus in my book. It isn't necessary and, praise the Lord, Woolim has realised this (for now at least).

The video doesn't have that many views, which is unfortunate. It is quite quirky, with the eight girls playing hide and seek and they are pretty awful at it actually. Like, I am not sure if it is their hiding that is so bad or the fact that the girl can't seem to find them. What is even more boggling, the guy from INFINITE can't seem to see them either though they are right there! And they are looking mighty cute too, if I do say so myself.

There is some filter on the video - like there has to be! Their faces are just way too perfect and their skin has no pores. None.

The lyrics are very cute too, just like the girls themselves. It's about a girl who is in love with a guy who just sees them as a friend or like a younger sister. And the girls all like 'well this sucks' but they are wary of telling him. But she feels as if she is going to blurt it out and she won't be able to stop herself - like sneezing. It is a very smart comparison actually when you think about it.

So, overall I really like the song and have replayed it a number of times! It is just really catchy and cute and very upbeat. The video suits it well too but the song alone is enough for me to enjoy it. I don't know why these girls aren't getting more attention because they should be! But hopefully these girls stay together, as a whole 8 member group, because they are doing well and continue to drop tracks as good as this one!


Ailee - Mind Your Own Business

So, this video has more of a story line than LOVELYZ but I won't go into it too much (joking). I like the song though, just isn't really my style. I am enjoying it more and more with every listen so maybe by the end of the next week I will love it.

Ailee is going with her big band kind of thing again and showing off her amazing vocal range again with this one! The verses are good, nothing too crazy catchy or anything but they are good. The start of the chorus is a bit meh and I don't really get into the song until she starts singing 'bye bye bye'. After the first chorus I think the whole song picks up. I don't exactly like the 'mind your own business' parts but that is just me.

The video is about Ailee who is with a guy who is very materialistic and is only happy when she gives him something. So, they break up (or he breaks up with her) and she is not happy at all. She sets her girl badass gang on him and they trash his car before the police come (scantily dressed might I add) and take them away. He then proceeds to cry as he is distraught over the loss of his precious car. Ailee then breaks out of jail and she and her girls run away, but not before performing a dance sequence there, and get changed somewhere very stylish (off camera). The go to his house and Ailee kicks the handle off the door and seems to be very surprised at herself. They break in and trash his house too. He comes home, doesn't even look surprised. She sets something on fire and throws it in the bin and then leaves. But makes sure to kick him in the nuts first (girl power and all that) and he falls to the ground in agony. She ends up in jail again of course because, you know, she just keeps trashing things and escaping holding.

The end.

So, yeah, it's a good son but will I have it on replay? Probably not. I more than likely won't listen to it again after this because it just isn't my thing. But if you like Ailee and her voice I would suggest checking this out - she is amazing. Maybe you'll love it more than me and I wouldn't blame you for it at all!


Ailee - Insane

Now this.

This is amazing. I love, love this song! Her voice is absolutely stunning and the tune, a very R&B feel, works perfectly with it. The range of her voice is totally on showcase in this one as they take it down a couple of notches. I am so upset that this one isn't her title track because it is a mile better than the last one! And I think most people would say the same because, damn, this song is beautiful.

Ailee, herself, looks amazing in this one, just wearing some black shorts or granny panties (which ever one I am not sure) and a white, large shirt. She has her own dance breaks in this one which you don't really see from her. She is actually pretty fabulous at dancing too. She has a good beat and I and the rest of the world will be body rolling along with her for real!

But, Ailee, what is with that run down apartment? It looks cold as hell.

The lyrics are pretty beautiful too. The line 'I come into your dreams first' is just mind blowing. The chorus is really catchy too with the 'I love you insane'. Doesn't make perfect sense but you get what she is saying. Plus she is American or something? So she knows what she is doing. I will roll with it girl!

This one isn't something that I can explain perfectly. You really have to listen to it to believe how great this woman is. The video is great and all but you don't need it to understand how great of an artist Ailee is.

This song is perfection.

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