Some K-pop Stuff (IU, UNIQ,Taeyeon, MelodyDay and more!) [K-update #2]

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So this week the K-pop scene just didn't come out with anything that I was too interested in. Nothing wowed me and that is surprising because the reason why I love K-pop is because it is so different and it can instill something of that nature inside of you. I look at some of these videos and I am just in awe with how colourful or how dark they are. They take it to another step, another level which I can appreciate.

However, nothing of the sort has happened in the past couple of days.


So we'll just talk about what I have seen around the place and just have a chat basically. I know not that many people read my stuff, if any and there usually isn't much interaction that goes on but when it does, you have no idea how happy I am. I will obviously continue writing these reviews and giving my opinions because I enjoy doing that - whether the world reads or no one does doesn't matter. This is something that I like to do to take my mind off of college and all during the weekends.

So let's just get into this chit-chat!


I have seen on the 1theK YouTube channel that IU is coming out with some new stuff. I love IU, though I am not overly familiar with her music. However, I really do appreciate the fact that she is a true musician and she can write and sing and even act. She is just an amazing star. I don't think idol is the right word to categorise her. I just think the best word is an artist because that is what she is.

Actual, I was recently watching the show 'Infinite Challenge' where they were doing their live music performance and IU was one of the acts helping out. It was amazing seeing her personality shine through on the show. (Just a side note there!)

There has been two teasers out so far for her new mini album that is coming out on October 23rd, called 'Chat-Shire' - whatever in the world that means. But she helped produce it which is always good. The first teaser called 'The Shower' seems a bit like IU is maturing from her previous body of work and is taking her artistry to a new level. I do enjoy her other quirkier work more but this is still pretty refreshing like everything she does. The second teaser 'Shoes' is definitely like her other stuff - very cute, very fun.

So I am looking forward to that for sure, though I don't think it will be mind blowing. IU's work tends to be very refreshing. Something that I like to listen to on one of those strangely warm, sunny days in Ireland, which doesn't happen very frequently. I think that for now, this music doesn't make me feel warm inside. I know it does for a lot of people but it isn't my kind of thing for this time of the year unforunately.


UNIQ just released a new song called 'Best Friend'. Now UNIQ is a group that I'm not sure if I mentioned before but they are a group that I am enjoying and have been since their debut. They are cheesy and totally boy-bandish, nothing too new or special and yet I still like them. They have five members and work in both China and Korea, so they are doing a lot for a group that isn't majorly spoken about.

Now, I am not really mentioning this song to actually talk about it because I don't think it is anything special. It's pretty cute and fun, and the video definitely matches. It isn't my style though. But their previous songs aren't really my thing either but I still really like them. Like 'Falling In Love' was kind of awesome despite how crazily cheesy it was. And what do ya know? They were all in love with the same girl.

'EOEO' was more like my thing. Loved that song way too much. Their whipping makes me laugh every time. I feel bad but it is hilarious.

Anyway, I just wanted to mention these lads so maybe you would check them out and maybe they would be your (slightly) guilty pleasure too?

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