Where the fuck, is my sketchbook?

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Gerard's P.O.V

The people shouted at us as expected but Bert kept his promise and didn't let me see them. When we were kissing and they yelled at me, Bert held my head in place so as I couldn't see them. I was grateful as I didn't have to see them and instead focused on the great taste of Bert.

Bert walked me to class again and I strolled in. Frank was there again and my heart fluttered slightly. I guess old habits die hard. He kept his head low and didn't react to anything. Maybe he really was sick! None the less, I sat in front of him at my desk and went to pull out my sketchpad. When my hand didn't touch it straight away in it's usual spot I began to rummage through the bag in search of it or a smaller one.

Once I had found one I started drawing random cartoon characters instead of listening to the history teacher. I drew my alter ego- Party Poison. He held his ray gun and fired at the enemy. When I was with Bert I couldn't draw things like this as he would see it as childish, so lessons became a time for drawing.

My headshot up for the same reason it had yesterday. Despite Frank being here, I still wasn't getting anything thrown at me. I turned to see what was wrong and saw him staring intently at the back of my head. Under my gaze he sunk further into his hoodie and he closed his eyes. I turned back around before he got bothered by the fact I was staring at him. What was going on with him? Yesterday he wasn't here and today he hadn't even said anything to me and was almost avoiding me. Was it him and Jamia? Oh, wouldn't it be great if they had bro- No. I'm with Bert. I don't need that dick head of a guy who wants nothing more than to break my skull. His last words to me was, 'I'll get you Way!' how can I ever be with that!

Bert took me out of school straight after I left that classroom. The only chance I got to turn around I saw Frank stood on the spot, frozen with almost sorrowful eyes gazing at the two of us walk away. I was about to smile as comfortingly as I could but Bert pulled me around the corner before I could.

"Where are we going babe?"

"I've booked a film. I know you'll love it..."

Frank's P.O.V

I felt sick all through history. All I could do was stare at the back of Gerard's head and try to figure things out. Why do I get these... Whatever they are; Emotions? And why is it at that gay boy. I couldn't figure out what any of my emotions were doing or why I needed to hurt him- If I even did. I was deep in these thoughts when he started rummaging through his bag. This was the point when he started his drawing. I had seen them before and they were actually really good. But he didn't pull it out straight away, instead he turned his head and lifted up the bag. We shared a confused expression until I realised that at the fight two days ago I had picked up his main sketch book. It was probably still on my desk untouched.

Damit! My face got hotter so I put my head in my hands, continuing to watch him and attempt to figure things out. He had another one in his bag that was smaller and so he pulled that out instead. He's such a frickin' art nerd. I smiled but upon realising what I had said and how I had acted I slammed my palm into my face as quietly as possible. Fucking Way... Get out of my head. I needed so bad to make him hurt so I had the satisfaction of seeing him in pain. This confusion was too much and it had only been a day and a half.

I was going to see if talking to the guy would make me feel any better. The second I got out the door I turned to the side to see Gerard under Bert's arm being dragged away. I really didn't trust Bert. He seemed like the controlling type and something wasn't right in the way he had kissed me and then dated Gerard. I watched them walk away when Gerard turned much as he had in class. I watched him unable to move, wishing that I could tell him to be weary of Bert. Instead he stared back at me until Bert steered him around the corner.

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