Cemertery drive with a Way down

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Beep beep beep

I wearily opened my eyes to the dark room and quickly silenced the alarm. He was dreaming again and I smiled. A part of me was worried that since we weren't in his room, he wouldn't keep to his schedule. And just to double reassure me, there was my name. Without hesitation I pulled him on top of me. Our lips interlocked and tongues tangled.

Frank's POV

I was in the middle of another Gerard dream when he nibbled my lip. Wait, that kind of hurt. Like I could feel it. I opened my eyes and looked straight into the eyes of Gerard. He pulled me down to him and kissed me again. How long had this been going on for? I was furious because Gerard had been taking advantage of me! Wait I've dreamed of fucking him, how far have we gone? I slid my hand down to his belt buckle and he moved back a little.

"Why not?"

"Frank not tonight baby."

"But we've done it before?"

"I, um... Feel a little ill, I'm not up for it tonight." So we haven't done anything sexual. Suddenly I felt kind of bad from the look on his face. I think I reminded him of Bert in that moment. I know that really he had been taking severe advantage of me but I kind of didn't mind because I liked it so much.

At some point I'd have to confront him but not in a mean way probably like, 'So I know we've been making out most nights how about we make out most days as well?' That was so cheesy but I kind of liked it. It seems the decision is final then. I'm going to make Gerard my boyfriend when the time is right.

It was amazing making out with Gerard like this and everything I imagined. Although that was probably because my imagines were very much in real life. The next sleepover I would have to stay awake all night to see exactly what had been happening. I needed the next sleepover to be as soon as possible as well because this was amazing. He let out a small moaning sound and I couldn't not return one similar.

Gerard's POV

This was probably one of the longest we had been going for and I was actually the one getting tired for once. I slowed down the kiss as I felt my eyelids get heavier. He stopped and I could feel him looking at me.

"You're beautiful you know?" I smiled and kissed him one last time. "Goodnight Gee."

He was insistent that I had to sleepover in two days. I didn't mind but he seemed quite persistent, so when thursday rolled around I was expecting something special. It was the same as most any other sleepover and I didn't mind too much but I wondered what the obsession was with sleeping over today.

Frank's POV

I was getting really tired and Gerard seemed to have gone to sleep. Was he not going to do it tonight? I heard beeping and opened my eyes. It was still pitch black so I was confused as to who sets an alarm for this time. Then I noticed Gerard waking up and going to his phone. When he came back I kept pretending to be asleep. He was looking at me rather expectantly. Was this the point in the night when I started dreaming about him or something? Was it really that systematic? There was no harm in trying.

I made quiet moaning sounds and saw he was smiling at me. I muttered his name and he climbed on top of my lap. I kept making moaning sounds and he leaned down beside my ear.

"Say my name again." I didn't mean to, but damn it was so sexy I said it without meaning to. He seemed happy with what I had done as he kissed me slowly.

It kind of bugged me that we couldn't do anything remotely sexual as that was what I was used to with Jamia but I wouldn't do that to Gerard. I really liked him and would move at his own pace at any time. He deserved that much. However he did take his shirt off when I took off mine and I couldn't help but lightly bite his nipples. He moaned gorgeously and it took all my willpower not to go further. He was giving me such an erection it was just painful knowing I wouldn't be able to sort it out until morning.

I had hold of his ass and he was moaning repetitively as I covered him in love bites. Fuck I want to fuck him so much right now. But then I also remembered that he thinks I'm dreaming so I should probably fall back asleep sometime soon.

After slowing our speed down quite a bit he rolled back onto his side and fell asleep after one final goodnight kiss. Making sure I didn't wake him, I quickly went to my bathroom with my phone. Before I forgot I set an alarm for half past one and then took care of what Gerard couldn't right now. I really couldn't wait until morning and I tried to control the noise.


At some point I had to man up and make out with him when he knew I was conscious. It had been just over a week since I found out and I didn't think I could wait any longer. Besides it wasn't right to wait any longer if we both liked each other. I waited for Gerard after school most days so we could do something after school and I could see if Bert was there. He still hadn't been seen.

Tonight Gerard couldn't sleep over but he was allowed out til late. We wandered around one of my favourite parks. The trees all blossomed cherry petals in the spring and covered the floor pink. However here in snow it got a lot of snowfall that sloped down the hill. Gerard had never been here before so when he tried to climb the hill, he didn't realise that the bottom of the hill didn't actually begin to slope where he thought it did.

He stepped straight into the deepest snow pile and fell face first into it.

"Ahhh!" He squealed as I couldn't see him any more. Whilst laughing, I pushed some snow out of the way to reach him. As I pulled him up I didn't let go or let him move any further away. I started to lean in just as he spoke.

"You okay there Frank?" It was exactly the same time otherwise he wouldn't of said it.

"Oh yeah fine. Come on." I waited too long, I need to remember that next time.

I thought of all the times we had come close and all the distractions that had occurred. Where could we go that there'd be definitely no distractions?

"Gerard we have to go up to the top of the hill!"

"Why all of a sudden?"

"Because I've just remembered what's up there and you'll love it." I grabbed his hand and began to bound through the snow pile and up the hill.

"Couldn't we have like, driven up here or something?"

"Shut up." I laughed. I dropped his hand and jumped the high fence.

"And you expect me to do that?"

"No, I just wanted to show off. This way." I walked down a path and he followed on the other side of the fence.

"You know Frank I was always sure you'd end up behind bars, but what are you behind there for?"

"Oh obvious molestation of a cactus and robbing all the condoms from the machine in the mall." He laughed and we came up to the gap in the fence where he squeezed through.

"Wait are we trespassing somewhere?"

"No, not really. Just come on." I lead him back up where I had walked and we turned the corner.

"A cemetery! Oh man this is so cool and freaky and wrong! Awesome!" He skipped along the path and started analysing the graves. I trailed behind him watching the fascination in his eyes as he said which were his favourite graves and which had funny names. After a while I suggested we sat on a bench in the middle of this sub section of the cemetery. It was a very small bench so luckily for me he sat very close. Now.

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