Double Bubble Disco Queen

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Somehow I woke up early on Friday. It was as if the rays of light that hit my eyelids pulled them apart abruptly. I can't even remember the last time I had woken up at anything before 9, but here I was on this frosted early morning. No school, no job and no boyfriend present, my days plans were about as empty as my friends list. I had no one besides Gerard to hang out with. Fuck.

After whizzing around my house with a hoover, I quickly took to the Internet to find a social group I could join. Browsing through the different results I discovered that just about everything was sports based. Frustrated I sat back, contemplating other methods I could use to meet people, but then it hit me; How the fuck do people make friends anyway?

Once again, I was left to an empty house. My second hand, semi broken clock ticked and tocked just to mock me and my loneliness. It was then that I realised that not only was my house empty but so was my stomach. Great, looks like the fridge is too. With a rather abrupt slam of the fridge door, I grabbed my hoodie from the sofa's corner and headed out.

The location of my apartment wasn't incredible. It was certainly no penthouse looking over New York. But there was a small and charming cafe on the corner of my road. I had been in here quite a few times now. They were polite, never busy, and did amazing hangover food. As I was tempted to sit secluded in the back corner, I thought back to my need for socialisation. Instead, me and my bacon sandwich headed for the large conference table which already had three people sat along it. I assume this is how you socialise, just sit in an open place and... Wait?

With no earphones in for optimal socialisation, I instead had to listen to the awfully uncomfortable sound of me chewing my own food. Was meeting people really worth this unending suffering? It had been about ten minutes and still no body new had come to the table, let alone to talk to me. Instead one other girl had entered and headed straight for my favourite corner seat.

The others who were at my table were made up of an old guy eating his salad at the end of the table. He seemed to be hallucinating or some shit as he stared out the window with his mouth half open. There was also a panicked looking boy sat at a computer, frantically typing. His hair was a mess, dyed red at the top and his eyes were lined in the same colour. I could probably get along with him if he didn't look so damn busy and stressed. The last person at the table besides me was a small girl. She looked like she was a young adult, yet she was very short and small. It was hard not to be shocked that she looked so much smaller than tiny me, but other than that, she didn't have any real defining qualities. Instead she simply looked tired as she typed on her phone.

Sighing, I stared forward. Socialising is hard, and I just want Gerard here instead anyway. Maybe we'd do better as a team. While day dreaming different scenarios in which me and Gee would talk to various people, my eyes had drifted across the room to where a notice board was. From here I could see multi coloured leaflets and posters, all advertising something but I'm fairly confident that different styles of social clubs would advertise there. As soon as I finished my order, I took a slight detour across the cafe over to the board on my way out. Like a cat watching a fly, my eyes quickly darted across the board, scavenging through the information. Yes! Perfect! XLM was a music club that took place basically in between mine and Gerard's houses. Three hours a week and they give you free food!? Sign me the fuck up!

I left the cafe and jogged back to my house. Lately I've been jogging to and from places just so I can have some form of fitness. Having nothing to do is ridiculously boring and so I have to do something while going places. Soon I was home, and I immediately opened my computer and found the XLM website. Next Tuesday me and Gerard officially had somewhere to be since I signed him up as well.

After another couple of hours of nothing, I went out for another jog. Normally I get to see at least some dogs but today was truly turning out to be awful. There was not a single dog on any of the roads or in any of the parks I visited except for the Yorkshire terrier that left as I entered. Seeing random dogs while jogging is as close to therapy as I'm willing to get.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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