Frank's tight virgin ass

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Gerard's POV

"So why did you take the sheets off?"

"Oh I just dropped some ash on them so they have to be cleaned." You beautiful whore. It's adorable watching him try to lie when I know exactly what he was doing the slut. We were both hanging out the window with our cigarettes. Thinking of Frank in the way off a slut I just had to look at his ass. I disguised it as stretching so he didn't realise but it was a wonderful view as he bent over the window ledge. Everyone likes to think because I'm very homosexual I like it in the ass but actually I quite like the idea of fucking Franks tight little virgin ass.

"You know you can stop checking me out."

"What? No I was just stretching!"

"Yeah, yeah..." I had been staring for quite a while and leaned back out the window with Frank. It wasn't the biggest window so we were quite close together and I quickly glanced over at the boy beside me. We was looking off at a cat prowling through the autumn leaves and I started to watch it too.

"So about school today. I don't particularly want to turn up but I checked with Lucas and Jamia is in today and so we have to go to get this break up out of the way." He took a final drag from his fag and threw it out the window. I did the same but didn't turn around until he told me he was dressed.

As we headed to school I was nervous of if I saw Bert if I'd have to break up with him then. I wasn't quite ready. I didn't want to be with him but I was scared of actually leaving him. Besides we barely got in on time before the lunch bell rang so we had the whole of lunch to track Jamia down and probably leave.

Frank's POV

I found my friends and asked Lucas where Jamia was. He said she had gone in this direction with Chris and so I followed where he pointed with Gerard close behind. As we turned the corner we could see them in the distance. The nearer we got the further away from each other they moved. She started to run up with me for outstretched arms and I put a hand up to tell her to stop.

"Jamia, you barely see me anymore, we haven't spent anytime together. I'm losing interest."

"Frank don't do this please."

"When was the last time we had a date and real sex that meant something?"

"I-I don't know." She had tears in her eyes but somehow I couldn't believe it.

"Jamia this is what's best. We're not together any more." She stopped tearing up and something in her face snapped. The facade was dropped and she looked furious.

"Fuck you Iero. You lasted too long being a dumb bitch anyway. You really think I fell over and ignored you for two weeks? I've been fucking Chris. For two. Months. You've been so blind in your obsession with emo faggot over here! I wanted to see how long until you'd notice but I still had to tell yo-" Chris had been grinning at us from over her shoulder and most of her words bubbled in my head to the point I couldn't hear. I pushed her abruptly out of the way and almost jumped over Chris' head. I took him down with me and rolled as we hit the floor so I was crouched down facing him as he lie there.

Before he could fully roll over I jumped up and began to kick him in the gut. He grabbed my foot and pulled me down on top of him. He had me in a choke hold and I couldn't get out of it. Josh and Lucas were there now as well and Josh started to punch me. I could hardly hear anything over the ringing in my ears. Seeing as Josh was taking good care of me, Chris released his grip on me and tried to get up to join in. But just as he got out from underneath me, Josh tripped over my body as something heavy hit him on the head.

In agony and still not able to hear, I took my chance to roll backwards and stand back up. Despite being weak I was still strong enough to takle Lucas to the floor and right on top of Chris too. I was pretty sure there was a large crowd but I tried not to focus on distractions. I was sat on top of both Lucas and Chris, punching Lucas whilst he lay over Chris' back. A pair of arms violently jerked me back up off them and threw me to the ground behind where I had been. A sharp pain rung out through the back of my head and I passed out.

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