t w e n t y // prostitude working 24/7

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  I walk towards her room, opening the door ahead of me. The light from the hall allows us to see a little of the room. Her hands roam around the walls searching for the switch. I hear her murmur to herself when the lights switch on.

The light being bright, she hides her head into my neck. I can feel shivers and goosebumps across my neck as she heavily exhales.

I awkwardly walk towards her bed and lie her down. She pushes her head back on her pillow to look at me, grinning.

After making sure she is comfortable, I start walking away from the bed when her tiny hand goes around my wrist, pulling me towards her.

"Yes?" I huff and ask her. She motions me to come bend at her height saying "I need to tell you something."

Bending over, such that my knees are straight but back bent forwards, I raise my brow. Emily moved her head towards my left side and softly leaves a lingering kiss on my cheek.

I can feel my heart stop beating for a second before catching up speed. She whispers a small 'Thank you' and I'm about to tell her that I'm her boss and she is my employee and needs to stay in her limits, I realize she is knocked out cold in her sleep.

I slowly get up and switch off the lights. Walking out of the house I suddenly see Natalie and Liam making out at the doorway.

"Ahem.." I clear my throat slightly smirking when they both move apart quite embarrassed and shocked. "Sorry to interrupt but I think you can share salivas after I leave.."

Both of them are flushed red as I walk towards my car. I hear Liam calling my name and I turn back. "Well may I ask what are you doing at this time over here? I'm sure you don't have any business with me or Nat right now.. Maybe a pretty brunette working at Styles Enterprises?"

Natalie stands beside her boyfriend smirking and asking me for an answer. I glared at them and flip them off, climbing into the driver's seat.

  I drive to my apartment instead of going back home to mum's place, sure that Gemma's going to kill me for not inviting her too.

I park the car and grab my coat and get out. Walking through the entrance, the doorman smiles and nods in my direction.

Like always I nod back and smile. He is one of the people on the list I smile to. I stopped smiling after what happens with her. She was the reason I became like this. She was the one who caused me to live away from my mum and sister. She was the one who stole ever piece and fiber of my soul just to tear and crush them apart.

I clench my jaw just at the though of her. Before falling deeper into those memories and thoughts I get inside the lift and wait for it to reach the floor.

I open the door harshly, the door banging loudly. The voice of the bang echos through the empty penthouse apartment. Pictures and flashes of her keeps clouding my mind.

My hands pull and run through my hair. I go to the washroom and stand in front of the sink, gripping the edges. It's been four years, and I still find it hard to get over her. Seeing and knowing that she chose him makes my blood boil.

Splashing water on my face I look back at my reflection. I tilt my head to the side when my eyes fall on my cheek. There was a lipstick stain / mark.

Why was I angry when she danced with Evan? Why did I care? Maybe because you like her! My sub conscious screamed, but I shut it out. Emily was just an employee working under me. That's it.


My head was pounding worse than if thousand elephants walked over. I rubbed the sides of my temple, trying to decrease the pain.

Sighing I sat up. Struggling and finally, I opened my eyes. It took some time to adjust to the light, but I realized I was in my room.

How did I come here? The last thing I remember was Evan and I ordering shots. After that everything is a complete blur.

I lazily get out of bed and head towards my wardrobe. The dress feels like my skin's worst enemy at this moment. Grabbing a sweatshirt and shorts, I head to the washroom.

I almost let out a scream at my own reflection. My hair is in a mess, which looks like a pegion's nest or maybe worse. My lipstick it smudged, my eyeliner and mascara all over my face. I probably look like a prostitute working 24/7.

Groaning I stand under the shower. After an hour and a half, I come out clean and fresh. My hair is left open as it it wet and no longer in a hideous pegion's nest shape. My face is clear, my nose and cheeks flushed red.

Wearing my clothes I leave my room and head towards the kitchen. The pain in my head is still there but not as bad as before.

  I sit on the counter and drink up the water right after the Advil I had. Suddenly I hear a whistle and Natalie's laugh from behind. I turn and see them both smirking, arms crossed in front of their chest.

"What?" I huff. "Someone had a tough night.. Maybe thinking about someone.." Liam spoke.

To add more spice, Nat said, " Maybe a boss of some company someone works.. And that someone happens to be in this area.."

"What the hell are you guys speaking?" I ask clueless. They let out a chuckle and walk out.

I take out a snack bar and open the wrapper. Closing the cupboard door I take a bite of it. My eyes fall on the  watch and I cough / choke the bar. I'm late for work! Rushing, I push those two lovers out of my way and slam the door shut.

I can here them shout something, but their voice is muffled because of the door. I remove hanger by hanger, throwing them on my bed, trying to find an outfit for today.

At last I decide to grab a white shirt, off white with tints of blue full  ripped jeans along with a  leather jacket. I hurry up and wear the clothes.

I grab yesterday's clutch, not bothering to shift the things into my bag. I apply mascara and lip balm and leave my room, hopping to pull the hem of the jeans, which had gone a little below my ankle.

Wearing my black high heels and groaning because I don't want to wear them to office. But I have no choice! I grab one pair of our keys along with my glasses.

"Bye love birds!" I yell and close the main door behind me as I leave. I slightly jog and catch a taxi.

After a while I reach right in front of the office. I take a look at my watch and see I'm forty five minutes late! And it is already 10:50am.

Pressing the button repeatedly, hoping the lift will come faster, I keep tapping my left foot on the ground. Let us see how the day
goes today.

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