Last two weeks was horrible . Anything I would do 'BOSS' would complain and keep on shrieking and screaming about the tiniest of things and also get on my nerves to the point I felt like strangling him. Day before yesterday he was impressed by my work for the first time so he gifted me the new iPhone, considering the fact that he was the one who broke my previous phone . I had given him a hug and he hugged back for a second and then I just left. Probably the most awkward hug ever!
Natalie ditches me almost everyday as Liam keeps taking her on dates. I don't mind tagging along, but being the third wheel sucks! They tried setting me up with this British man named Max or Dex or something like that, who kept on talking about how much money he has.
He also kept boasting about how many girls he slept with and other nonsense no one was interested in. I would just nod, zoning out and enjoy my food. He dropped me back home and he leaned forward and was going to kiss me but I freaked out and closed the door right on his face.
Today was no normal day. With the whole office hustling with people, there were times where I felt like snapping at everyone who stepped on my foot.
I had walked into the office and my card wasn't getting scanned like at all. People behind me grumbled as I kept the line. I was red with embarrassment but thank fully Zayn came to the rescue. He gave me his award winning smile and let me in as he scanned his own card.
"My day is just going horrible!" I exclaimed.
"The day just started. You can't just judge the entire day on the basis of what happened now." He replied like some sort of sorcerer and we walked to the elevator.
"Why are you so.. I don't know calm?" I scrunched my nose in annoyance. How is he having a nice day?!
Zayn just chuckled and entered the lift. I was about to enter when some one shoved me out of the way to enter. I glared and I again put my feet in just for the doors to close and hit my arm. The man who shoved me aside was keeping on pressing the close button.
I frowned and kept pushing he doors apart to fit my rest of the body in.
"Woman can you get in fast? I have to reach my desk as early as possible! Can you like get in the next ride?" He snarled.
Is this man crazy? Who does he think he is!? As if only he is the one who need to reach fast. And why should I wait for the next lift when the entire metal box had only 3 people excluding myself?!
I have him the finger and shoved my way inside. Zayn has a fist in his mouth, probably trying to stop laughing. I innocently smiled at the man and pressed up all the buttons to all the floors. He looked at him wide eyed, jaw open and whispered under his breath, "What a bitch!"
I chewed my chewing gum and rolled my eyes. I smirked to myself evilly.Then, when his floor indeed did come, some how his suit got stuck on a piece of chewing gum on the railing.
Serves him right!
I hear the continuous clicking of Niall's pen. "Niall stop clicking your pen." Perrie throws a pen at him. He stops and smirks "Okay enjoy the background music." Zayn sighs when there is perfect silence.
We continue our work and suddenly the room is filled with loud moans. We all let out an irritated sigh. "Niall continue your clicking" I throw an eraser at him and everyone bursts out laughing.
Since we had a loud speaker in every floor, Harry or should I say Boss forgot to switch of the mike, what all personal things he had been busy doing in this office for the past hour, could be heard by us too.
After finishing my fifth file I open my hair and massage my temple. Everyone's gone for lunch but I decided to stay and finish all my work. Before I could start my sixth file my stomach starts making weird noises.
I make my mind to eat some Mc Donalds. Pressing the lift's button I massage my head. I enter without looking if anyone's there.
I totally regret it. I take my hair and make it into a bun and hear a chuckle behind me. I turn around and scream. "What are you doing here?!"
"Going down?" Harry replies with a smirk. I'm pretty sure he meant the innuendo.
"Jerk" he was going to reply to my insult, when his phone starts ringing. I turn around and Harry starts talking all dirty on the phone "How about round two on the table tomorrow"
Lord save me !! The door opens and I walk out of the office as fast as possible. Going to the nearest Mc Donalds, I order a Big Mac meal, and just completely devour it in seconds.
Biting the tip of my pen I recheck my seventh file. The office phone suddenly rings and I throw my pen. "Hel..."
"Office now" Harry interrupts and before I could reply he hangs up on the call. I get up and go into the lift, tapping my heeled foot impatiently , waiting to face the worst thy has yet to come.
Knocking on his door, I tie my hair into a pony. He tells me to enter. "You can have tomorrow off" his eyes stare at his computer screen. I stare at him with wide eyes. Did he just give me a holiday?! "Umm.. thank you I guess.." I reply.
I was about to leave "And Emily?" I turn "Yes Har- I mean Sir" he looks at me with a smile not his normal annoying smirk but an actual smile. Weird because when ever he called me in his office he would complain about everything I do. "You should put your hair down more often. It looks better"
I just leave the room as fast as possible after stuttering a soft thank you. Did he just give me a compliment ? I go back down to the floor I was in while happy doing the happy dance. "Okay something fishy.." Perrie looks at me with curious eyes."I know right. She is never happy when she comes from up" Niall chuckles.
I tell them about what all happened and they stare at me with opened jaws. "What?" I look between three of them.
Zayn shakes his head smiling "He has rarely given us holidays."
"And about the complimenting part he has to compliment us because we are his best friends but other than us he hasn't complimented anyone so far" Perrie replies.
After having a small conversation we finish our work and go back home.
Author's note :
I know this is a very late update but I'm very sorry. I have lots of ideas for this story but I don't know if u ppl are liking it so plz vote and comment !!

FanficHarry Edward Styles. Emily Rose Blaze. Harry Styles. Founder of Styles Enterprise. Rich, arrogant, egoistic and a business tycoon with no belief in love due to his past. Emily Blaze. Young and free. A simple, independent,and a sweet girl with a nev...