I rushed with the files in my hand. I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead. I still kept a tight grip on the files and ran through the number of people in my path."Excuse me!"
"Move aside please!"
"Buzz off!!"
I pushed the people out of my way, trying to reach the open sliding door. Just as I'm about to place my foot in, the door closes and it shifts. Groaning I stomp my feet on the ground in anger and let out a huge sigh of frustration.
A hand is placed on my shoulder and I turn around to come face to face with a red faced, sweating and slightly sphered glassed Niall.
"Chill woman! You look like you really want to murder someone! He jokes, pushing his glasses slightly. I roll my eyes at him, and reply, " Yes there is only person I'm willing to kill now."
"Yeah yeah but I don't think you can do that to you crus—" before Nat can finish her sentence, I smack a file on her face to shut her up. I do not need the whole world thinking or more, knowing that I have a crush on my own boss.
"Wait, what? Crush? Who, when, how? You didn't tell me?" Niall placed his hand on his heart and gave me a fake hurt look. I playfully punched his shoulder and walked ahead, trying not to get pissed just for missing the tube.
I sat down, and on both sides of me, sat Niall on my left, and Nat on my right. Fanning myself with my hand I said, "By the way, Niall you know on who I have a crush on. It's the one and only Leonardo DiCaprio."
I paused and said, "And Dylan O'Brien, and Taylor Lautner, and Tom Cruise, my list goes on and on!" I flicked my wrist, signalling it is not a big deal.
"Anyone other those celebrities, youtubers and viners?" Niall asked, and placed his files down.
Natalie elbowed me, and sent a sly smirk my way, "There is one green eye—" and then again I smacked her with a file to shut her up."Wait.. I think I might know.. Are you talking about Harry?" Niall narrowed his eyes and asked Nat , while I widened my eyes and begged her not to say anything through my expression. Completely ignoring me, she shrugged her shoulders, and said, "Well you are good at catching things!"
Niall rapidly turned towards me, shock evident in his face. I looked down, probably because I didn't know who to react. Suddenly he pumped his fist in the air and wooted. Nat and I shared a 'what the hell' look.
He saw our curious and questioning look and he just sank into his position. "Well I won a bet and I am just happy and yeah." He said.
I bent forward and tied my hair in a messy bun, to prevent it from sticking on my face, in this heat. "So what was the bet about?" I asked. "I'm going to be killed!" He whispered to himself.
"What? Why?" Nike asked.He placed his hand behind the nape of his neck and said, "I'm telling you before hand, please don't kill me." He said, worriedly. I nodded my head and held out my pinky, as I always kept pinky promises. He opened his mouth, closed it, and again opened. It was like he was busy forming up sentences to speak up in his mind.
"Long story short we had a bet on how long it will take one of you to fall for each other." He said cautiously, taking small pause here and there.
"You are kidding me right? Was I that obvious?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
Niall nodded his head causing Nat to burst out laughing, finding this embarrassing situation of mine, being very amusing for her. I groaned and ran my hand through my fringes, pushing them out of my face.
Niall go up, dusting his pants, and said, "Get up before we miss the next tube too." He gave me his hand and pulled me up, followed by me pulling Nat up.
We three got in the partially empty tube, and reached out destination by a few jokes cracked here and there.
I scanned through the header of each page of the file, by flipping the pages as fast as possible. I didn't need my dearest boss to yell at me, and make me look like a fool as usual.
"You know, you take too much stress babe."
I turned at Evan as he was busy spinning on my chair and kept playing with a small ball, God knows where he found it. I rolled my eyes at him and replied, "Well maybe you could leave me alone, indirectly causing stress to leave me alone?"
"Haha, funny." He said narrowing his eyes at me. Suddenly my office phone rang up, interrupting us both, and causing us to look at the loud machine together. I clicked the speaker button and continued to do the same checking with the other file.
"Hello?" I asked loudly. The flipping of the pages prevented me from seeing the caller ID.
"Uhm.. Elena right? Mr Styles wants to see you in his office right now."
I froze. I opened my mouth before closing it. I looked at Evan, panicking on why I was called up now. He shrugged his shoulders, pretending to not make a huge deal of it.
I picked up the head set and said, "Yeah, I'll be there right now." Hanging up, I felt myself go into a mini panic attack. I gathered all the required files, which were scattered across my desk, as fast as possible. Rushing to the elevator, I fixed my hair and entered the elevator as soon as possible.
"You are going to be alright! Don't worry. He is not going to kick you out or something. You both are on good terms currently. Chill.
I gave myself a prep talk as my foot impatiently tapped on the elevator floor. As the door dinged open, I held a tight grip on my files and asked the Barbie faced secretary if I could go in. In her usual creepy, sluttish talks, she gave me a disturbing smile and told me to get in.
I got in and immediately started talking, in case he thinks I don't know my correct work. Without looking up at him, I said " I brought the files you had asked me to bring. And I also che—" I looked up at him and immediately regretted it.
Harry was in between changing shirt, God knows why. It took me a few good number of seconds to to realize he was shirtless.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry!" I squeaked out and turned to face the door, so my back was facing his direction.
I could feel my cheeks go warm, blood rushing to them. I mentally cursed myself and prepared to face the wrath.
"Yeah you can turn around." His raspy and deep voice said, accompanied by a chuckle.
I turned and walked towards his desk. I placed the files in the table and slight pushed them towards him. He sat down and motioned me to sit down as well.
Well let's see how this goes.———————————————
Holy meatballs!! My updates have gone so worse and I'm really sorry guys! But don't give up on this book!
I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support you give this book. WE HAVE MANAGED TO BE 625TH IN FANFICTION!! I know it's not a high rank, but it's the beginning that we can reach high goals!
A HUGE MASSIVE thank you to all the reader, ghost readers too! Keep pouring your love and support!
Peace out :3 xoxo

FanfictionHarry Edward Styles. Emily Rose Blaze. Harry Styles. Founder of Styles Enterprise. Rich, arrogant, egoistic and a business tycoon with no belief in love due to his past. Emily Blaze. Young and free. A simple, independent,and a sweet girl with a nev...