f o r t y-t h r e e // sking

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HEY! If you enjoy my work please vote and comment! EVERY VOTE MATTERS.. Anyways.. So I'm not even American but the anticipation for the election results is high!! I'm still shocked like how tf are people actually voting for Trump! And the excuses for voting him are so illogical like dude he doesn't give a shit abt human rights WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR A PERSON LIKE HIM! okay no more ranting. Fingers crossed that The US doesn't suffer another 4 yrs with an orange as president.. ENJOY THE CHAPTER! 

"You know the mop song right so just kind of follow it okay!" Evan said as he gave a thumbs up and stood beside me. I nodded vigorously, holding the poles tightly in my hand and sang along, "Left hand first, then right on top, mop, mop, mop!" Evan skied swiftly on the snow clad surface of the mountain while I wobbled a few meters before losing my balance and falling onto the ground.

"That's it! I give up." I exclaimed and threw the poles away from me. I sat on the cold with my arms crossed as Evan oh so gracefully stopped in front of me. "You are doing really well, I mean compared to when you first came out here!" He offered his hand and pulled me up. He grabbed my poles and passed it on to me, "Come on, once more!"

We continued to ski for another half an hour or so and I finally got a hang of it. I skied at a slower pace however, as slow and steady wins right? I continued to ski, minding my own business when suddenly I felt someone swoosh beside me, startling me and making me stumble onto the ground, yet again.


I scrunched up my nose and looked up to see Louis. He turned his head and sent me a salute but unfortunately right the next second as he turned front he crashed into another skier. I laughed at him and yelled, "Serves you right, jackass!" I threw a snowball at him, which was now where close to hitting him just to be petty. I got up to my feet and skied towards the edge and off the main area as I was too terrified of dashing into one of the pros and getting a concussion.

I skied past some trees and reached an area which was so serene that you could also hear the snow crunch if you tip toed. I sighed heavily and saw the air out of my mouth fog up. Suddenly I heard crunching and noise that meant some one was there. I turned around just in time to face Harry as he immediately halted a few feet away from me.

"Hi!" I sent him a wave and smile. He had his eyes slightly widened, having a shocked expression. "Hey.. Are you lost?" He asked as he scanned around. "Not exactly.. I skied here just to get away I guess.." I said. "You?" He looked at me confused as he walked towards me. " I mean are you lost? I know the way." I said as I tilted my head back to face him.

"No.. I found a place day before yesterday so I come around here almost every morning." He said as he removed the google from his eyes. His eyes looked as green as the lushly surrounding, if not more greener. "So.. I guess I'll catch up with you later..?" I asked, fiddling with the tip of the pole. "Or.. you could join me." He stared at me waiting for me to answer.

Nothing could go wrong could it? So I nodded and followed him. He started to ski, at a fast rate unfortunately which made it kind of hard for me to catch up. Can you slow down!?" I huffed and asked stopping to catch a breath. "Oh sorry!" He replied and stopped and waited for me. After ten minutes of skiing and pauses we reached a place which looked like a dead end as there was heavy plantation.

"Are you sure we are heading the right way? I have a strong feeling we are lost." I said as I stood with my hands on my hip. "Just follow me." He replied as he started walking through the big bushes. "Um.. yeah you want me to follow you in -" before I could complete my sentence a branch hit me straight on the face.

"OUCH!" I smacked the branch and flapped my arms around in order to move it off and away from my face. Harry turned around and instead of helping me out, laughed at my condition. "You are hopeless!" He said as he stood there with his arms folded.

"You can at least help me out here! I'm in this situation because of you after all." I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and tried to move away the heavy branch from in front of me. I motioned me to move ahead as he help the branch sideways with the help of his other hand.

"As I was saying, if you plan on killing me remember that I know Karate!" I said, as I walked ahead and fixed my hair. I was too busy in fixing my hair and the scarf around my neck to notice what is around or in front. Suddenly I felt a tug on my arm which made me fall back onto Harry.

My arms in a reflex went to hold onto him tightly and eyes widened at the close proximity. His green eyes drifted between my eyes and what seemed after an eternity later, he helped me stand upright. "We are here.. Look!" He grabbed my shoulders and turned me so I was facing in front of me.

A gasp left my lips as I took in the scene ahead of me. Beautiful was going to be a word which could not define what I was seeing. I was standing at the edge of the mountain if Harry had not pulled me back I would fallen off the edge which went straight down into a steep slope. One could have died perhaps too.

There were other mountain tops which could be seen. The sky was clear blue and the sun just hit right. You could see lushy green pines and other plantation as you looked down. Clouds surrounded the tips of the mountain and the serene atmosphere with the cool breeze blowing was the cherry on the top.

"What.. How did you even find this place?!" I asked as I sat at the edge, my legs dangling off the edge. "Careful, come back don't sit so close to the edge." Harry warned as he sat down a few feet away, so his feet, as he stretched and laid back on his arms reached where I was siting. I pushed my self back so my shoulders brushed against his. "How did you find this place?" I asked once again as I tucked my fringe behind my ear that kept falling on my face because of the wind.

He sighed, "I was just like trying to explore around and like you I almost fell off the edge." I scoffed "And I thought I was clumsy!" I bumped my shoulder with his. He sent my way his charming grin. "So.. what do you think of this trip so far? Enjoying yourself?" He asked. I nodded vigorously "It's been great so far but I'm not going to jinx it." I crossed my fingers and raised my hands to show him.

We sat there and chatted around for like a good hour and a half, with nothing but the sun and clouds at the horizon as witness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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