Chapter thręę

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Ok. I got home by the bus went to Instagram. Galactic.four liked your picture . ignore.
Addictionz liked your picture.ignore.
Ashliee_71 liked your picture. OMG. I forgot.

BOOM went to contacts and couldn't find Ashlie, so I dialed her number.
She answered. Thank the lord
"Hey" her sweet voice answered. Her voice was so perfect. So beautiful, like her.
"Hey, sorry I didn't call right away." I responded.
"Nah it's cool.So how was school ?" She questioned.
"We'll have you ever been to hell ?" I answered sarcastically
She laughed. Her laugh was birds singing to my ears.
"How about you ?" I asked
"Well there is this really "cute guy- bug I don't think I like him like that."

BOOM. Have you ever seen a movie with a bomb and it is about to explode and later they save it ? If you have, here is the case. My heart was about to explode and she said "but I don't think I like home like that." Thank the lord it was beating perfectly later BOOM stopped and later beating normal again.

Well she was saying something else, but I didn't pay much attention. I only was thinking of that "cute guy". Even though she said she didn't like him like that much, there is always that chance. I needed to find out. And I didn't want to do this ,but I asked my friend Katherine to talk to Ashlie. I needed to find out who this guy was.
She was talking to her friend Kristina. So I went up to her the next day and commanded
"Talk to Ashlie!!!"
"So much for a good morning." She responded. Katherine was cool. We had lots of things in common. Books mostly. But we were cool.
" I got other stuff in life you know ?" She continued
"Please? I'll owe you."
"Ugghhh Goddamn it I'll think about it." She responded frustratedly.

So I had a check on that.
Finally it was 5th period. He was talking how love works in our human brains and hormones. And how love can give you an orgasm. And of course for the guys. "Boners". The subject was interesting, but it was pretty disturbing the fact that girls were looking at us the whole time.

Ball rang. The place were like buffalo running from lions. The place was dirty all over the place. Sorry janitor. I ran I didn't care I ran as fast as lightspeed. And I got to 6th period and survived and and for the first time in forever I got to satan's son class in time. Mr. Lerk's

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