Chapter ęight

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Okay. I went to school and it was Halloween. Which you know what it means. Fear. That is what they talked about that day.
1st period how natives did folktales of a demon.
2nd how fear affects art.
3rd how math causes
"fear" somehow.
And it kept going on about that. I probably paid attention in half of all my classes because I was only thinking of trick or treating with Ashlie ... And Kat and Jamie. And when I got out I saw Kat she asked "see you tonight okay?"
"Yeah totally." I responded

Thing was I wasn't sure if I was gonna go. But I still said yes. Okay I got my dad's light brownish leather jacket and a light blue mixed with white t-shirt. Put blue and black jeans and some black sperry's. Messed my hair a bit from the front. And got cigarettes from my brother. More like stole. But you know. And put them in my pocket and left.
I left pretty early for the fact that the other time I got lost. Maybe this time I'll get lost, but still get there in time. So somehow I didn't get lost this time.

So I was really early. I knocked on Jamie's door. He was trying to do a tattoo and he asked
"James? What are you doing here so early?"
"Um ... To surprise the girls." I lied.
"Oh ok. Hey are you a drawer." He asked
Am I ?!
"Yeah I guess." I said
"Oh ok. Can you do me a favor. Can you draw this picture in my back?" He questioned
He showed me the pic and my eyes opened. Like from normal to extra extra extra large
"Um... Ok." I answered
It took me 30 freaking minutes to do that. And to be honest it looked "okay". I hoped who ever saw it liked it.

But whatever, 30 minutes after we were done, the girls got there. And apparently Kat was surprised to see me there. But I didn't care about Kat right now. No offense.

I cared about the most beautifulest star God had ever made. She was burning my heart. She was shining beautiful. And her hazel grace costume was spectacular ! And I see her Hazel eyes and I notice that she has the nasal cannula, and it is connected to a suit case not a real oxygen tank but it was good enough.

And I notice that Kat left. And I ask Ashlie
"Okay ? Hazel grace ?"
"Okay Augustus !" She said.
We head out and leave Kat and Jamie hanging. We didn't hang out to get candy or to bother little kids. But later me and Ashlie thought for a second and said
"Ugh. Let's wait for them."

So we laid down in someone's grass. And looked at the clouds and played the old style game what the clouds look like and after 10 minutes we see the guys and stand up And clean ourselves and went with them.

So we started to knock in peoples door and said "TRICK OR TREAT"
"What are y'all supposed to be?" Most of them asked. Or "aren't y'all too old to be trick or treating?

But one lucky person made my day happy by saying.
"Aren't you too young to be smoking?"
And as I was about to answer Ashlie interrupted by declaring
"You see it is a metaphor. You put the killing between your teeth but you don't give it the power to kill you."
She didn't say it exactly like John green aka hazel grace. But I felt like she said it 100x better. And when we knocked the last door an old lady came out and said
"Why the hell do you have your cancer friend with you ?"

It is official Ashlie had a better costume than me. Even though she had long hair, she rocked the Hazel Grace costume. And I ... Meh.

As we got back to Jamie's house we were cold but as a gentleman I gave Ashlie my jacket. And now I was cold but acted like I wasn't. And I though of something and told Ashlie.
"Hey I am gonna tell you something really important tomorrow."
"Um ... Okay ?" She responded
And I ran to my bike when I saw it. And I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. And I hopped on my bike and Ashlie screamed
"Don't worry I'll tell you what we are gonna do with it tomorrow." I said.
And I declared
"By guys. See you tomorrow." And pedaled home.

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