Chapter Fivė

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2 days before the double date. Damn hours passed like minutes. Minutes felt like seconds. Seconds didn't exist.

I was too nervous. I couldn't stop thinking of it on Friday. One day before the date. I was worried that I would act stupid that I'll act like an idiot. So I called someone who always helps me with my problems ... Most of the time.

I talked to my best friend Jack.
"So you want to like ... Not act extremely ridiculous. You can do this
1. don't talk about you.
3. Try to find out what you both have in common and talk about it.
4. Talk about batman. Somehow 85 % girls like batman.
5. Don't flirt. Trust me."

I didn't believe anything he said. But of course I tried to go with the flow. So after the class which was about the mind and I love it. That 5th period class says that the brain is the boss of your body how the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, cerebellum , spinal cord, brain stem - midbrain, pons, Medulla oblongata control your nervous system. And makes you feel worried and all that shit. My mind is going like this.

Basically I'm so worried and so nervous. All that shit that I just said is working in my brain, I saw her talk to her friends after my 5th period brain class. As the crowd passes by like dogs chasing cars she was there. Out of the line talking to her friends. With her perfect smile and everything. I looked to my right and left when I noticed I was late for my 6th period class. Tardy pass again. Goddamn it !

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