Chapter šix

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Today is the day. Today is the day I've been waiting for 2 months. I'm going on a date with Ashlie well a double date ... As friends ... And not really a "date". More like a friendly meeting that I have to pay.

But it was close enough. So I got a formal long sleeve shirt, wore casual pants, tied a half tied tie, and my casual shoes. So I see myself in the mirror and you know who the fuck I look like ? FUCKING JOHN CONSTANTINE (search him up on google).

I get in my bike and go to star theatre and I was thinking, just say hi to all of them. Be nice and be cool nothing bad is going to happen.

I got there in 15 minutes. I chained my bike and went by the entrance. I only saw Kat there standing looking at her phone. You know, sometimes I wonder what Kat is always thinks about. She looks like a girl with lots of thoughts in her head.

I went up to Kat and said
"Hey ! Where is Jamie ?"
" oh he is on his way already ,oh and Ashlie texted me she is just going to come a bit late."

She responded. It was 30 minutes of pure awkwardness and we jus sighed and did like um ... Faces. Until Jamie came in it was about time.
Jamie was dressed casually he had a sweater,America (Mexican team) shirt, and jeans. And 5 minutes later Ashlie was dropped off wearing a blue tank top dress and leggings. I was happy she brought that because I would've felt like a idiot if she didn't.

Our tickets cost 10 dollars each. And of course I had to pay for me and Ashlie's. so I did, she insisted me to let her pay for herself. But of course I didn't let her. We all decided to go see a horror movie. Which I was so excited for.

When we got there the place was a rainbow it self, and the place was also pretty cold. But we went to our room. Hall 3 to the right and room 16. There were probably 8-10 in the room. Which was good. I didn't want a lot of people.

We sat there just waiting for the big jump scare, and when it happened Ashlie hugged me. Her brown hair and her head by my chest. Her cold green painted colored hand nails grabbing my warm hands, and she was so scared she told me "don't let me go."
Her voice sounded specific enough to hug her tight and kiss her in the forehead. I'm pretty sure I saw the same with Kat and Jamie. I wanted that minute hug to last forever. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

The movie wasn't scary at all. Just fake jump scares and no big twist ending. What happens with movies from the 80's or 90's. Gets some inspiration from those. But alteration the movie was enjoyable.

It was only 7:30 and we had to go to the Mclendon park. So I got my bike told Ashlie to hop on. She said. "Are you sure. I can go walking."
"Nope there is only walking to boring people. Now hop on." I responded

So she hopped on. We went before Kat and Jamie. She was spared at first. She was hugging me like if I was Superman and she was Lois and I was taking her threw the sky.

The sky was beautiful red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple and the wind was perfect. My hair was black fire in the wind and hers was the sea waves. She started to be confident and stranded up in the bike one hand in my upper arm and the other joined with the wind.

And we got to the park at 7:51 p.m. While we waited for Kat and Jamie to get there. We went to the swings.
And she said."Contest."
"Huh ?" I questioned
"Let's do a contest, you know who can swing the highest. Ready. Set. Go!!!"
She responded.

We were swinging so high. She was laughing. I was too. I've never had so much fun with her ... With anyone. I wanted her only her.
"Hahaha hey lets go to the water park !!!" She said screaming enjoyably.
"Hey I didn't bring any clothes." I said
"Well you either go naked or with clothes ? Plus live life at the fullest." She declared.
Of course I chose option 2. So I went there turned the water on and we went in the water sprayed out of the ground. I could see Kat and Jamie getting ready to get in. As soon as they got in we got them all wet.
"Oh this is war !" They both said.
So me and Ashlie went against Kat and Jamie in a water fight. It was one of the best days ever. We had so much fun.

When we were done I had nothing to get dry with. So me and Ashlie decided to walk around and get dry. We did a race. I lost. She is faster then she looks. And we were still soaking wet so we decided to go to the rocky hill when we got the last rays of sun from the sunset.
And finally I saw her close enough. And I grabbed her cold hand looked at her hazel eyes even though she wasn't looking at me.
"I love sunsets." She said
"Yeah me too." I said back
"Maybe the only good thing God did to this fucked up world." She told
I didn't have a problem about what she said, even though I should but I didn't. I just was too I love with her. And I hold her hand tighter and swing it around. And I looked at her and she looked at me and I said. " Ashlie ... I ... L-."
"BOO!!!" Jamie screamed

He tried to scare us. Ahem . Fail.
"Hahaha, I think that horror movie got you." I said
Kat and Jamie both sat down with us.
"Yup. Hey you know Halloween is not that far away." Ashlie said
"Yeah what about it ?" Jamie asked.
"What about it ?!" She screamed (not in a bad way though.)
"James you tell them." She said
"Huh. Um ... I dunno." I answered questionably.
"Seriously y'all are lame." She responded
"What are you trying to say. That we should go like trick or treating ?" Katherine continued.
"Exactly !" Ashlie said.
"That is actually not a bad idea." Said Kat.
"What are y'all like 6 years old ?" Laughed Jaime.
"What do you think James ?" Asked Ashlie.
"Um ... Sounds great ... Pretty weird ... Um I mean childish ... Wait no I mean ... Like um ... Awesome. " I responded.
"Well I'm in." Kat said
"Who else ? James ?" Said Ashlie
How could I say no to her. Even if it was the most stupidest thing ever I said "okay. I guess."
" well if y'all are in, then I am in too." Said Jamie.
"Okay well let's go live life like is there is no tomorrow !!!" Screamed victoriously Ashlie.

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