Chapter Sęven

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"Hey!" Greeted Ashlie. "Hey what is up ?" I
greeted back.
"Come to Jamie's place." She said.
"Kay bye love you ..." I said.
"Huh ?" She questioned
" I mean as a friend ... Duh.. Like I love you and Kat and ... My dog ... And I love my PS3 and um... Im heading over there." I responded.

Okay. So after I hopped my bike, passed the Walmart, and did a curve by highway six, I was completely lost. I didn't even know where Jamie lived. I tried to remember something that Jamie had.

And I guessed. I fucking knocked in 3 doors. And later I saw them getting there. I didn't care what I had a my backpack.

By the way I only was wearing a backpack because I had to do my homework. And who better then my friends.

So as I was getting there the brake didn't want to work. So I fell, IN MY ASS. The pain was like a million rock pushing up your ass in 1 second. And I dropped my wallet,phone, backpack, keys, and my biking dignity. It took me 3 minutes to get up. And 2 to get to Jamie's house.

I tried to act like if nothing happened.
"So guys me and Kat wanted to talk about Halloween costumes with y'all." Ashlie said.

Damn to be honest. Ashlie was like everything planner. I imagine her saying. " who the hell left the toilet seat up ?!" But yeah as I was saying. They kept talking I *ahem* ignored completely everything.
And out of nowhere I realize Ashlie screams.
" OH MY GOD !!! The fault in our stars. That is my favorite book !!!"

I totally forgot I had the book in my hand. When I failed I grabbed it. And I guess I had it the whole time. I loved tfios, but I really didn't want to admit it. I could see Ashlie like "excited" because I had the book. And later Kat had an idea from the Greek Gods.
Thank you !!! I loved the idea. So far I knew Jamie and Kat are being tris and for (divergent series) and me and Ashlie were Hazel and Gus.
"Ashlie can I tell you something." I said as I headed out the door. She followed and said
"What's up ?" She questioned.
"Let's walk around."
So we did. I didn't know where we were going. We just walked and talked. And I asked her
"So your complete name is Ashlie Chloe Colburn ?"
"Yup. You want to know what it means?" She questioned me
"I'm a powerful blooming that never burns or falls. You see I don't want to be the big tough famous shit in this world. I wanna be powerful creative small thing in a big garden AKA the world, and I want to lead everyone to have something better and try to enjoy the world." She smiled .
Wow every second I fell in love with her. And that speech that saying. It was big. Something unique. Like her.
"What about you ?" She asked.
"What do you mean ?" I re-asked.
"About your goddamn name." She joked.
I laughed and said
"Um ... I dunno."
" What ?! No way. Are you fucking around with me ?!" She screamed
"Nope." I declared
"Well we need to find out one day."
"Okay." I said
"okay ?" She said as a joke
But I went with it.
"Okay ?" I repeated and we kept repeating for five times. Until she said
"Okay that is enough. Now how do we go back ?"
"Um ... Shit. Did you bring your phone." I asked
She checked her pockets.
"Oh my god. I left it in Jamie's house."
I check my backpack. And my phone has 25 % of battery. And I call Kat's phone and Jamie's too. None of them answered

So ... We had to find a way. We had no water or nothing are throats were getting dry for screaming "KAT JAMIE !!!" And we walked everywhere. And when I say everywhere I mean everywhere.

Until we see Kat and Jamie outside hugging each other. I don't know if they're dating. Kat never told me. But I didn't care about that shit in that moment. I cared that they didn't answer the ducking phone.

So we just went in got some water drank it in 15 seconds. And said we had to go. Which we did it was getting dark anyway. And we left. Kat went with Ashlie because Ashlie's mom thought both of them were there.

So I left in my bike they were walking and later on my way pretty far away I see Ashlie running to tell me something. So I stopped pedaled to her put my feet in the ground because the brakes didn't work and she said " innocent yet powerful and good looking breathing spirit."
"What do you mean ?" I asked
"Your name ... Well at least part of it." She answered" I don't know what your parents thought of the name James. Has nothing to do with the your full name." She continued.
"Wait how do you know my full name ?" I questioned her
"There are some secrets in the world you aren't supposed to reveal." She answered.

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