Chapter tęn

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Well homecoming for thanksgiving was just around the corner. My only chance to tell Ashlie.
I was nervous and one week before homecoming I was thinking to how I was going to tell her I like her.

And of course as the "idiot" that I am. I looked myself in the mirror and said. "Hey sexy, want to go to homecoming? With me ?"
Nope. Too player-ish
"Hey Ashlie I wanted to ask you if you want to go to homecoming with me?"
To obvious
But the day was coming and when it was the day I was looking for her. And she was in her locker talking to I don't know who. And she was smiling. That smile her hair. That moment I wanted it to be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

So I go up to her ... Nervously.
"Hey. Can I ask you a question? Besides this one." I asked
"What's up."
"Um... This is pretty weird but will you—" I was interrupted. By who you may ask. By Chuck.
"Hey Ashlie would you like to go to homecoming with meh'?" He asked.
With roses in his hands and sunglasses in his eyes.That bastard he tried to steal my girl?! Ahem not really my girl. But y'all know what I mean. So here is her answer.
"Um... Sure. Why not?"
And they hugged and Chuck saw me. Pointed the middle finger and said with no voice
And laughed and left. It didn't bug me that he called me a faggot. It didn't bug me he pointed the middle finger. What bugged me was that that he took my chance away.
"So what were you saying?" Questioned Ashlie.
"Um... Oh yeah. Um ... That it will be pretty weird but ... Will you ... But —"
"Butt?" She laughed.
"What no." I laughed.
"I can't find a date for homecoming and I wanted to know if you can help me find one." I continued.
Mistake number one.
"Oh... Sure I'll try to find one. I'll text you in Kik." She said.
Mistake number two
"Well um ... Text you later."
I bumped to the wall.
Life sucks.

"Hey. I found a date for you." She said.
"Hey about that..." I was interrupted off.
"Nope no buts !!! As I was saying. I found a homecoming girl for you."
Mia?! We are like buds. Nothing like homecoming shit. She wasn't ugly or anything ... She had the biggest boobs in the school. And for being middle school girls didn't have "big boobs". Ugh I could see how awkward it was already. But I could also see how excited Ashlie was. I didn't know what to say.
"Fine." I said with a little funny laughing sarcasm. So we went to Mr. Lerk's
Class. And he said.
"Well y'all have learned literature really well. Well at least most of y'all." He declared.
And looked at me.
"But in the test of last week. Mr. Fawn had the highest grade. Wait I was James Calvin Fawn. And I turn around and I see the test. And I had a 98. And I laughed and said.
"What ... You must be wrong."
"I'm never wrong in literature. Now you get to choose your seat. Mr. Fawn."
I could see Ashlie telling me to sit there besides her. But I didn't.
"I don't deserve and award for I didn't earn it."
"What do you mean?" Mr. Lerk asked.
"I didn't study ... I guessed and I don't think I deserve this award if I didn't earn it." I said.
And I sat down in my seat. The whole class looking at me. Ashlie especially. And my worst time started like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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