Scratch Everything.

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"No, not really. Sorry Harry this was..." She started, pulling away.

"A mistake. For both of us. Let's just forget about this." Harry finished the sentence, turning around and starting to leave.

"Harry, we're still friends. You can crash on the couch, it's no biggie." She smiled, slightly more sober.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am!" She opened the door and let him in.

The place spun around as the dizziness went back to her body. 

"Good night Mar." Harry whispered.

"G'nite." She answered.

And with that one big mistake was avoided, but another minimally explosive commited.


"Wakey wakey!" Harry told Marilyn in the morning, or more like afternoon, after.

"Oh my god! Why are you here? Did we? You know..." Marilyn said, her eyes almost popping out of her head.

"No! I slept on the couch. We did kiss though, but nothing else." Harry answered, guilt starting to empower his stomach as he thought about Zayn.

"Oh. That's... Ok, I guess. It's not like I'm involved with anyone anymore." She mumbled back, guilt swallowing her too.

But she didn't know why. She knew she liked the way Zayn smiled at her every morning, and the little refrigerator notes he left on the refrigerator. The way he ordered chinese every Saturday, and how he drove with only one hand on the steering wheel. She liked the way all his tattoos were carefully planned and chosen. How he, from time to time, would take selfies with her and paste them next to the other pictures. She loved the way he begged to read her writings and how his eyes glittered when she gave them to him. But still... She was too blind and deaf to see what it all meant.

"I think we should keep this a secret..." Harry continued as he nervoulsy scratched his back.

"Yeah, definitely."

And with that she jumped in the shower and relaxed, thankful there was no work to be done and she could just lay on bed watching Grey's Anatomy for 3 full hours.


Zayn sat on Marilyn's bed thinking about what to do. What to say, how tosay it. 

He thought that first he couldn't declare his love, but start by apologizing, let the situation be simpler, for pressure or madness to not get in their way.

Courage was added up until he finally took his car keys and left the apartment, missing Marilyn's sweet vainilla scent and soothing voice.

"Sophie, can I come upstairs please?" He asked from his cellphone as he talked to the best friend.

"I don't think it's such a good idea Zayn. What you did..." The red head answered, being interrupted by Zayn's begging voice.

"Just please let me come and explain myself. Please."

The building door buzzed open, Zayn's hand trembling in nerves and his honey eyes glittering in accomplishment.

"Come in" Sophie whispered, leading him to Marilyn's bed. She signed for him to come in, since she didn't want to be any more involved in this.

"Hey Mar." Zayn whispered shyly, voice barely even leaving his throat.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, standing up.

He noticecd the way her wavy hair was a mess, how her face was completely make up free and how she was only in a T-shirt and shorts. He saw her puffy eyes and dark circles and couldn't help but thinking that maybe it was all his fault.

Scratch the 'maybe'. It was all his fault.

"Could you let me explain myself? Please. I know you believe in second chances and I might not deserve one, but I deserve the benefit of the doubt." He said quickly, courage building up inside of him finally.

Her harsh frown suddenly loosened as she turned back to her bed. 

"Explain." She answered flatly.

"Allessandro had something against me. When I found out about him cheating on you I was furious and I confronted him, but it so happens he had this information about me that he threatened to write about. Mar I never ever wanted to hurt you, and you know that. I was sellfish and stupid and I'm sorry. Cound you please give me a second chance? I swear I'll never hurt you, ever again." He explained, sitting next to her and taking her hand, making her sigh and start to give in.

"Zayn you violated my trust..." She started, then remembering how she had messed up last night. "Wait, what was the information he had against you?"

Zayn sat there eyes wide open, not knowing what to say.

"Does it even really matter? I just don't want this to depend on the information, but about our friendship. "

"You're right." She said, looking at their fingers intertwined, a small grin appearing upon her lips. "I guess everyone deserves a second chance. I messed up too last night." 

Zayn's stomach fluttered in happiness and nervousness, wondering what had happened.

"How?" He choked out.

"I kissed Harry last night." She said, closing her eyes to not see Zayn's dissappointed face.

He closed his eyes too to let everything sink in, his hand separating from Marilyn's. He was about to leave, but then he remembered what he had done and his sellfish actions. There was no reason to be mad at Marilyn if they weren't together. He was mad at Harry.

"It's fine I guess, it's not like you have feelings for me, right?" He said bluntly, pain eating his stomach.

That frase was like a stabb in her heart for Marilyn, only being able to nod.

After all she was right...

She had feelings for her overly attached, loud laughing, take out lover, simple best friend.

And he didn't.


Hello everyone!

I'm so sorry for the delay, my dog passed away and I've been so overwhelmed with things. 

I hope you enjoyed this one, it's a bit short though but I'll make it up, I promise!

I love you all so so uch, thank you for the 200+ votes <3

Love you to the moon and back.


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