Part 6. "He's not the man I fell in love with"

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Two weeks went by after Nick and Carla kissed. Carla was back ruling the factory and Nick was running the Bistro. Nick wasn't texting her or calling her at all and he never came to visit her. In fact, they never even saw each other. Not once, although this didn't surprise Carla. Carla was starting to miss it. Starting to miss... him.
It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon and Peter and Leanne had the custody hearing. Carla couldn't attend as she had to run the factory and Nick couldn't as he was running the Bistro. Peter let Carla know that morning that he will win this custody hearing, and they can be a proper family again. Carla was really hoping he would win, although, she didn't really think he would. The court knew about the incident with him and Carla, and that just wasn't going to help, and neither did Simon like Carla. He liked her more than before, but he still didn't like her, and that was a big problem.
The clock was about to strike 4 in the afternoon and Carla began to wonder where Peter had got to. The hearing was at 9 in the morning and it wouldn't have taken very long, a couple hours at the latest. She was in the flat checking up on some paperwork and drinking the usual poison. She sat at the dining table, and worry was beginning to take over her. She was twiddling her thumbs, biting her pen, refilling her glass every 10 minutes - without even noticing. As her phone vibrated against the marble, she ran towards her kitchen counter and pounced onto the phone. The phone read Steve. He probably wanted to ask her something about his upcoming wedding with Michelle. Carla had been spending a bit of time planing the wedding with Michelle and has been seeing Steve on several occasions. Carla sighed, put on a front and answered.
"Yes Steve?" Carla spat the words into the phone, almost shouting.
"Carla? Look, I don't want you to worry, but I saw Peter in a bit of a state." Steve said, quietly. He sighed as he said these words. Carla's heart began to race. "And he wasn't exactly sober. He was walking down the street shouting and screaming, then he was in the Bistro shouting at Leanne and Nick and now, I'm with him in the Bookies, and I don't know what to do or say." As Steve spoke into the phone, Carla could hear Peter in the background. Carla exhaled deeply, knowing exactly what had happened and buried her face in her palm.
"Alright, I'm coming now, thanks Steve." Carla hung up the phone and closed her eyes. She thought why am I in this mess? Nothing seems to be going right for me anymore.
She instantly inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to control her breathing. She knew that when she gets down to that bookies, her day is going to turn from bad to complete shit. She grabbed her phone and keys and stormed out of Victoria Court.

Carla entered the bookies and Steve looked at her and sighed with relief.
"Thank god you're here Carla." Steve placed a hand on Carla's arm and placed his head close to her ear. "I'll leave you to it. Good luck." He whispered. Peter looked at them with jealousy, even though there was nothing to be jealous of. Steve walked out and Carla smiled at him. As soon Steve, was out of sight, he was out of mind and Carla turned to face Peter. She felt so angry and upset inside, but she couldn't show it. Not after last time.
"What happened Peter?" She asked calmly, hoping he won't snap.
"I lost my son, that's what! To that ex-prosy and her unlucky husband!" He shouted. Carla saw the bottle of vodka on the counter that Peter had been chucking down his throat. It wasn't full, but it wasn't empty either. Carla quickly grabbed the vodka, but before she could pull her hand back Peter wrapped his long fingers around her small, delicate wrist and grabbed it so tight that Carla let out a whine.
"Leave it." Peter said. He had a scary look on his face and his voice was lower than usual. The longer she held the bottle of vodka, the tighter Peter would squeeze.
"Peter, you've had enough." Carla said quietly, hoping he wouldn't brake her wrist.
"I think I'll be the judge of that!" Peter said. "Now, Don't you push me Carla, leave the bottle go." He spat.
"Or what? Are you going to give me a slap, really? Are you going to show me who's boss?" Carla cried quietly. Before Carla could say anything else, Peter pushed her up against the wall. Carla cried in pain and fear as Peter crushed her shoulders against the wall. He lifted one arm and clenched his fist. Carla wasn't stupid, she knew exactly what was coming. She acted fast and dodged his punch as it missed her by a hair on her head. Carla immediately squirmed free and ran towards the door. She looked back and saw Peter looking sorry and as she looked into his eyes, she saw a completely different person. He wasn't the man she's married, nor the man she fell in love with. He was now the man that she once loved but not anymore, he was now the man that beat her.
"Don't even think about coming home tonight, because you won't get in." Carla let out a cry and then ran outside and headed towards her flat.
"Carla?!" Nick shouted down the street as he saw the broken woman. Carla didn't care to look back as she thought it was Peter begging for forgiveness. Nick ran behind her and tried to catch up to her, but for a girl in 6 inch heels, she could run fast.

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