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You sat and scratched your arm as you stared st the almost blank piece of paper.
"Yyyy/nnn? Earth to y/n!" Hanji said as she waved her hands in front of your e/c orbs. You shook your head and looked at the beautiful brunette.
"Well I guess we can experiment tomorrow" you said as you ran your hand through your h/c locks. Hanji squealed as she pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
"Ah! My tits!!!" you scream as Eren bursts into laughter. You look to Levi's direction to see him attempting to hold in laughter. Hanji patted your head as she spoke:
"Oh, y/n. You are a weird one. We should get some rest because have a big day tomorrow!" She squealed as she pushed you all out and shut the door. Levi tutted then walked off , leaving you with the emerald eyed boy.
"I'll show you to your room" you say as you lead Eren down the hall way.

Eren opened the door to his new room and looked back at you with a smile.
"I'm glad I'm on your squad and that you're alive" he said as he hugged you. You obviously hugged back because he was like a brother to you. As soon as he closed the door, you turned on your heels and made your way to your room.

As soon as you opened the door, your jaw dropped. Levi was stood only in his boxers with his hair dripping.
"Levi? Did you use my shower?!" You shouted still in shock.
"Tch, yeah and it needs cleaning" he said as he dried his hair. You sigh as you walk over to him and dry his raven hair with the towel.

You slipped into a cropped shirt with shorts and climbed into your comfy bed. As you drifted off into sleep, you felt the bed dip and a body against you. Warm arms snaked around you.
"Levi? Are you sleeping here tonight?" You groaned as you turned to face his bare chest.
"Tch, what does it look like?" He said quietly. You shrugged and closed your eyes. Soft lips touched your forehead and the words 'love you brat' were whispered before sleep over took your mind.


You woke to see that Levi was gone. You felt kinda lonely and empty without him, but you just struggled it off. Rubbing your eyes, you walked into the bathroom and took of your clothes so you could have a relaxing warm shower. The opposite happened though. As soon as you turned on the shower, cold water hit your body and made you yelp. Levi. You thought as you used the cold water for a quick shower then got dressed.

Walking quickly down the hall way, you bumped into Mikasa.
"I'm so sorry!" You said as you gave an apologetic smile. She soon smiled back:
"Its fine. We were both in a rush. Bye y/n!!" She shouted as she ran down the hallway waving. You breathed a laugh before continuing to Hanji's office. You looked at one of the rooms where the door was slightly ajar. You peeked threw to see Jayden, one of the scouts in your squad, looking down with his dark red hair covering his face.
"Jayden?" You ask as you slowly open the door. He quickly looked up with his green eye holding unshed tears. You felt sorry for him because he had a scar from the trip before his best friend's death. He had to use that retched eye patch.
"I'm so sorry about Jami" you say as you remember:


"Jami!! Don't! Its too dangerous!" You shout as the blonde haired boy flew up to the abnormal titan.
"Jami!!!" Jayden shouted as he looked back over his shoulder. Our horses galloped faster and faster because of our loud screams.

The titan swung it's huge hand at Jami as the scout crumbled to the ground. Jayden rose off of his horse and slashed the titan's neck before turning to see the fallen soilder. Of course you followed too. You stopped behind Jayden as he fell to the floor, locking eyes with the lifeless ones of Jami's. You got off your horse and put a hand on his shaking shoulder.
"He will never ever be forgotten. Ever."

*end of flashback*

"I just want to be...useful" Jayden said with a quiet voice.
"You can help me today if you like. Hanji is doing some experiments and we need extra scouts on hand." You say with a small smile. Jayden smiled then nodded before you carried on to see Hanji.

You opened the door to see Hanji scribbling notes onto a piece of paper. You sighed at the working girl before tapping her on the shoulder. She looked at you with a big smile.
"Hi y/n!!! Ready?!!?" She screeched as she grabs your hand.


You stood with Levi and Jayden as Hanji was being lifted up by Eren's titan form.
"What is going on with that drool?" The whispered to Levi.
"The shitty glasses has a weird obsession with these monsters" he whispered back.
"Eren's not a monster. It's not his fault." You say a little offended. Levi made his 'tch' sound but nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Hanji flew down off of Eren's hand and landed next to you.
"I...I think I upset him" Hanji panted as she bent down for a breather.
"Right, OK. Levi and Jayden, distract him while I cut him out of there." You said as you checked your gear. Both guys nodded as the sped towards Eren's titan. You pull the trigger as the hooks grabbed in to Eren's neck. You flew into the air and focused on saving your best friend. You loved it when you glided through the air, to you it was as if you were flying.

You landed on Eren's neck and bent down. Carefully, you did as Armin told you: be careful where you cut, you could injure him. You sliced your way through and grabbed Eren's body. You flew away just as the titan fell to the floor and released smoke and little orange flames. You landed on the floor and looked at the strange red marks in his face. You had heard Hanji talk about this but you never really listened, you liked listening to your own thoughts better.

Hanji took Eren in her arms and carried him in her arms as you sighed and wiped your forehead. You felt a hand on your shoulder so you turned and saw Levi with a worried face.
"Y/n, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired" you said before breathing a laugh.
"I think you need a shower. Let's go and leave Titana to do shit with Jaeger" he said as you giggled.

You dried your hair with a soft white towel while you walked out of your shower. Levi laid in your bed, reading a small book with a blood red cover. You sat next to him and tied your hair up.
"Whacha' reading?" You ask as you look over his shoulder.
"A murder book. I'm tired. Can we go to sleep?" He asked with tired eyes. You blushed at his rare cutness before answering.
You get into the double bed and pull the white covers over both your bodies. You felt arms wrap around you once again as you sigh happily.
"Love you shorty" you say with a hint of tiredness.
"Tch, love you too."

How Much Do You Love Me? (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now