"Well, when that sadness and grief sit in your heart for too long without reprieve, any sign of hope can be overwhelming. Lainor lost his naneth and because of that he almost lost his adar. There is a reason it has been so long since I have seen my dear friend Thranduil. His kingdom is just now starting to heal of such sadness and grief. As you know, your name, Estel, means hope. I think Lainor simply found a great encouragement in this." Elrond said the last words slowly and clearly.

Elrond looked over at Estel, who had stopped walking, and saw a compassionate sadness in his Ion's face. "Then I am happy I was named as such and I am happy that I traveled here with you."

As they walked back to their camp, laughter could be heard coming from Elladan, Elrohir, and Lainor. *I'm happy too* thought Elrond.

Once everyone was settled and had eaten their fill, Lainor started updating everybody on what had happened in the over 100 years since Elrond had visited. He spoke of the worst of the years immediately following his naneth's death. He spoke of the joy he felt when his father started coming around. Whenever he spoke of Legolas he would look at Estel. Something about the half-elf made him think that his brother would know peace one day.

Estel took it all in, taking particular interest in stories about Lainor's brother, Legolas. Just the night before he had felt a great sadness for the young elf. He was really starting to look forward to meeting him, even though from what Lainor spoke of, he may not see Legolas at all.

Eventually everybody fell asleep, while Estel took watch. He climbed a nearby tree and thought over everything he had learned since they had left their home for Mirkwood.
Legolas had slept a lot longer than he had anticipated. Anxiety and re-living his dream had made him more tired than he had felt in a long time. It was evening by the time he was up and walking through the woods. He sat by the river and played with the fallen leaves under the light of the moon.

The rain had long since stopped, but the air was still full of the hearty smell of wet earth. This is where Legolas was most comfortable. Out in the woods, clean air, open sky, and a long standing solitude with nature.

Legolas leaned back into the damp earth and began to sing a song.

All slain to earth

All earth to new

All life is shared

All things renewed

All soul at peace

All spirit found

All love eternal

All light passed down

What is born

Will surely pass

What is gone

Will come at last

What is lost

Will be found

What is worthy

Will be crowned

The mark you leave

Will be a part

Not of your fate

But of your heart

Legolas had heard the song since he was but an elfling, so it flowed effortlessly and beautifully from his lips. As he got to the last phrase, he stumbled a bit. *Not my fate?* He thought. *My fate was to suffer at the hands of an evil sadistic mind. How could anything in my heart be more powerful than that?* And with that, he tossed the leaves he had been turning in his hands and walked back to the palace.

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