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"Estel, meleth nin, raising children with you would make me the happiest elf alive."

Estel sighed with relief and then chuckled. "Me too, Legolas. Me too."
The day of the wedding was finally here. Legolas had insisted that the wedding be held outside. "Meleth nin, what could be more beautiful than a romantic evening under the stars?" he first convinced Estel, before getting everyone else on board.

The gardens had been strung with lights and tied with bows. Every stone ledge and archway had been covered with small candles. The sun was just starting to go down and slowly the crowds on both sides of the satin aisle runner started to grow. As the sun finally sank over the horizon, the beauty of the candle-lit garden truly showed.

"Legolas, you were absolutely right." Estel said kissing the hand he held in his own. "I couldn't imagine a more beautiful place for such an event. Arwen is going to faint when she sees what you've done."

Legolas just smiled at Estel, in response.

When the doors finally opened, gasps and murmurs could be heard throughout the crowds. Arwen looked beautiful. She had on a simple white silk and lace gown. You could see her rosy cheeks through her lace veil. Her arm was intertwined with that of her ada, Elrond. He had tears in his eyes, but he wore a large genuine smile.

The two started their slow walk toward the arch that sat at the end of the satin runner. Lainor was already there, trying to calm his breathing. He was nervous and excited all at the same time. More than anything, he was happy.

The actual ceremony was very short. A few words were spoken, "We could wish nothing better for our children". Their vows were made, "I vow to stand by your side for the rest of my days". Their union was sealed with a kiss.

Estel was the first to cheer, followed swiftly by the twins, before the rest joined in.

After many congratulations were made, it was time for the couples first dance. As the music started, Lainor spun Arwen around the clearing. By the time that Lainor let her go, she was laughing and out of breath. Other couples started filling the clearing, dancing to the music. The twins had both found beautiful dancing partners, and even Elrond was dancing with Lumorniel.

Thranduil had asked Arwen for a dance, and they danced slowly as they talked. "Arwen, I am so happy for Lainor. You two are quite the pair."

"My king, I truly am the lucky one. Lainor is...well he is everything I could ask for." Arwen replied.

"I don't think he would have even known what to ask for, my dear." Thranduil laughed. "You captured his heart so entirely."

"As he has captured mine." Arwen blushed. "Thranduil?" She hesitated.

"Yes, my dear Arwen." He smiled down at her, still swaying to the soft music.

"Lainor is currently telling Elrond..." They both looked over at the two talking. "...So I will tell you."

Thranduil saw the look of surprise and happiness on Elrond's face, and it made him curious.

"We are with child." Arwen smiled. "You are going to be a grand-ada."

Thranduil was beaming. He pulled Arwen close and kissed the top of her head. "Oh, my dear. What wonderful news."

Arwen laughed. "Ada is coming over", but Thranduil didn't let her go.

He had to blink back a few tears, as Elrond walked up. "Mellon nin, I am considering never letting your family leave."

Elrond laughed. "I know how you feel. I will miss Arwen and your family dearly."

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