
For beauty wins

And heart prevails

Love will conquer

Hate will fail

Just like the tree

Your strength resides

Below the shell

Deep inside

Where evil cannot

Reach it's core

And love prevails


When Estel had sung through his slow and sweet song twice, he realized Legolas had fallen asleep. He kissed the prince's forehead, nuzzled his cheek against his blond hair, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Back in the palace, the day was going extraordinarily well. Elrond and Thranduil had spent the majority of the day catching up, sharing stories of triumph and grief. Both of them were happy to be back in each others presence.

Thranduil shared of his regrets in the years following his wife's passing. "I couldn't even look at Legolas. No wonder he can't stand to be in our presence, I was such a horrible adar to him."

Elrond held his friend's hand and let him vent all that he had kept inside. "Elrond, what if I've lost him for good?"

Elrond replied sharing Estel's story. "Such horrible things happened and he was left with nothing. No one to call his kin. He could have simply given up then and faded from this life, but the heart has a way of taking the bad and harsh and dark things that are handed to it and using them for good. Just keep showing Legolas that you love him. Persistence, mellon nin."

Lainor, Elladan, and Elrohir walked into the great room and shared with their adar's what they had occupied their time doing. Stories of pranks and competitions were told "I swear ada, it was bigger than an elk", while they all settled down to eat dinner.

"Have any of you seen Estel since last night?" Elrond asked.

When no one answered, Lumorniel spoke up. "He asked me to prepare him a small portion of food for travel. He wanted to see more of the kingdom's nature and told me he wouldn't be back for lunch."

"It is now well into dinner and he hasn't returned?" Lainor asked.

Lumorniel replied, "Not that I am aware of."

"He is quite the adventurer. He has probably fallen asleep in the sun or is too enthralled in his drawings to spare a moment for food" Elladan laughed.

"Either way, I have to make my rounds after we eat. I will take the long way around and see if I spot him." Lainor spoke.

Elrond responded with a smile and a "thank you".

After Lainor made his usual rounds, he thought that he'd go another few miles out and make another sweep around.

When he hit the river, he decided to pack it in and go back to the palace. He had barely made it back a half mile when a voice on the wind caught his attention. It was a singing voice. *It must be Estel* Lainor thought, glad to know that he was safe.

Lainor walked silently as to avoid disturbing Estel. When he spotted him on the other side of the river, he stopped in his tracks. Curled up in Estel's side, being rocked back and forth, was Legolas. Estel was holding and singing to Legolas.

Lainor quickly and quietly climbed a nearby tree and sat down to take in the scene before him.

Legolas' eyes were slowly drooping closed as he let estel sing to him. Estel started the song over again and before long, Legolas was asleep. What a beautiful song. So perfect for Legolas and his ada. Estel continued to rock and sing to him, until he had finished the song for the second time. He watched as Estel realized that the prince was asleep. He could see so much compassion and kindness in Estel.

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