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"Dia. Do you see the target?" Francis's voice came blasting through my headset with that telltale accent of his.

I turned down the volume and looked through the seeker of my brand new sniper. There was a flash of light blonde hair that caught my eye against I the dark streets below. I quickly looked around on the roof where I perched and grabbed my, modified-and-not-completely-legal-in-this-or-any-country, rocket launcher. I loaded and aimed it with a, modified-and-pretty-much-legal, automatic grappling hook connected to a thick metal wire. It launched, and the overwhelming force pushed me back.

As I secured the opposite end I heard Arthur cautioning to me to be careful. I guessed he was still uneasy about having a girl on such a dangerous mission, alone. I finished securing the wire and slid down the wire into the open window. I landed inside without a single sound. The white walls illuminated by the dim moonlight.


I slid behind a display case waiting for the target to make their first and hopefully last appearance. I closed my eyes and prepared for all possibilities. I knew I was superior to this rookie thief that had been plaguing this area, and was about to show him. The crook came close and I pounced.

It was as if my animalistic fighting instincts took over, all I could remember after that was my foot connecting with his ribs and my other foot hitting him in the jaw, knocking him to the floor.

"Guys, I got him," I reported to the team pinning the crook to the ground with my knee. "Requesting back-up."

"Good job Dia!" Francis said. "We're on our way."

Allies x Reader: The Full InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now