Chapter 16

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The funeral was short and simple. The Axis and Allies stood around the coffin in simple black formal attire. None of her family members attended. Her parents had died years before and her brothers were living behind bars. No tears were shed. The only sounds were the rustling of the trees behind us. The pastor came moments later. He spoke about her adventures through life and her transition to a new one. He didn't know what she went through while she was alive. He didn't know that she was part of one the world's most elusive crime ring on earth. He didn't know that she was a part of the thief known as Diamond in the Rough. He didn't know she escaped a life in jail to work in the FBI. He didn't know her.

The coffin was lowered into the ground. Workers came in to bury it. Soon the coffin couldn't be seen. Agent Honda and Belischimdt turned and started to walk away. Agent Belischimdt put and hand on my shoulder as he passed, barely stopping to glance at me. She often spoke well of him. If she hadn't passed, maybe they could have had a future together.

The Allies and I started to follow the remaining Axis members. Leaves fluttered in the breeze and fell gracefully to the ground. The chaos from three weeks ago vanished. It was peaceful.

After the arrest of the 2p Allies, the Dia copy cat vanished. We believe that they were responsible for the recent robberies. Allistor congratulated us for our victory against the 2p Allies' reign of terror. I looked at my teammates. It hadn't felt like a victory. It still doesn't.

We walked through the cemetery. I looked through the rows and rows of grave stones. Families were gathered around a few of them, placing flowers at the base of the headstones. Many cried. Many mourned. I looked back at her gravestone. The workers were nearly finished burying it, but something seemed strange. Among the workers was a shock of blonde hair and teal eyes. I stopped. I knew those eyes. He looked up and smiled at me. He reached inside his coat and pulled out two roses, one red, one blue. He dropped the red one into the grave. And looked back towards me. Blue rose in hand he nodded towards me and left the grave stone.

The corners of my lips pulled back. My teammates had stopped with me looking that the gravestone as well.

"Who was that, mon cher?" Francis asked, trying to catch my attention.

"The boss," I said. I'm not sure if he completely heard me, but I didn't really care then. I bolted toward the man. My teammates called from behind me. They soon realized I wouldn't stop and started following.

Teal eyes glanced up and saw me running towards him. His mouth curled into a smile. He went into a grove of trees. He didn't run. He waited patiently until I arrived, my team trailing behind me. He waited against a tree, glasses glinting against the sun.

"Good to see you, (Name)," he said. "It's been a long time."

"Not long enough," I replied.

"Wait," Alfred said from behind me, "I recognize you from somewhere."

"He was the LAPD. The chief's right hand man," I said to Alfred, "Eduard von Bock."

There was a pause for the briefest of moments, but everything seemed to still. Eduard's mouth slowly curled back into a smiled. He looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Well, well, (Name) you did recognize me. Congrats," he said with eyes that mocked my very existence. "It's too bad Felicia couldn't be here to witness this, she would have been in for quite a shock. You, on the other hand, something tells me that you always suspected that I was hiding something."

"(Name)," Yao yelled. "What are you doing? Apprehended him!" I looked back to see Yao raise his gun, only to be forcefully put down by Matthew.

"Don't," Ivan warned. "There are snipers everywhere."

As if on cue, a red dot appeared on Yao, then Ivan, and the rest of my team, one by one.

"Good eye," Eduard said nodding to Ivan. "It would be in your best interest to drop your weapons." His smile dropped and he stared dagger into me and the rest of the Allies. "Now."

The team unholstered their weapons and dropped them, holding their hands up in the air. Once all their weapons laid on the ground, Eduard snapped his fingers and the red dots vanished. He smiled.

"Now (Name), there are two ways this could end," he said, loudly enough for my teammates to hear but quietly enough not to disturb any bystanders. "You either come with me now, and your precious teammates will live another day; or you could refuse, and all," he looked behind me and counted under his breath for a moment. "Six. All six of you will meet your end in a graveyard. Simply poetic, don't you think?"

Six? I thought, What does he mean six? There are seven of us. Unless...

I thought for a moment, trying to remember what exactly happened leading up to the present. I couldn't remember precisely, it was all such a blur.

"Is something wrong (Name)?" Eduard asked. "You seem confused."

I was about to respond, when I saw a brief streak of red light on a nearby tree out of the corner of my eye.

Matthew. I thought, I need to stall.

"I am," I said trying to keeping Eduard's attention on me, "Why? Why would someone like you, leader of an entire criminal organization, be so hellbent on keeping me as an operative?"

A flash of red light streaked against the ground behind Eduard.

"Call it a favor for a close friend."

"You have close friends?" Ivan said from behind me. I glared at him as Yao gave him a firm slap upside the head. He really needs to learn tact.

"Ignoring that," Eduard continued. A streak of red lit against the leaves above our heads, then vanished. "A very interested third party wanted me to take good care of you."

"Who?" I said.

"No one in particular. But I feel like I should let you know that there was a reason your were assigned to steal jewels; diamonds in particular." He smiled.

A gun shot suddenly rang through the graveyard, filling the still air and a tree splintered behind him. Eduard looked up to a nearby rooftop, and saw that his snipers were no longer there.

My earpiece buzzed. "Shit! Sorry!" I heard Matthew's voice say. "All the snipers are unconscious. Take him done now!"

"Seems like that's my cue to exit," Eduard said, pulling out a pistol and holding it towards my head. "I don't think I need to tell you that if you follow me, you'll get a new metal ornament in your skull."

"Of course not," I replied, backing away.

"Good." He smiled deviously. "But just in case-"

I heard a gunshot, so loud my ears started ringing, and felt a sharp pain in my leg. I cried out, but I couldn't even hear my own voice. My legs gave out, sending me hurling toward the ground. I felt light headed. My vision started to blur. Eduard ran off; to where I couldn't tell. I faintly heard yelling behind me. Blurry faces crowded my view as warm hands started gently tending to me. My leg felt warm and wet. It was all too much. I blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed, my teammates gathered around me. They looked relieved when I woke up. There was a sharp aching pain in my leg, black thread adorning it. I recovered over the next few weeks. Allistor constantly fretted over my health, telling me I didn't have to go back to work for a while if I didn't feel up to it, but where else was I supposed to go? I was back on my feet within two weeks, ready to finally end the organisation that I started in.

That was how it started. That was how the search for Eduard von Bock started. It has been two years since then, since those few months of hell, since our biggest case, since Felicia's death.

I sometimes wish that I could quit this job and live the normal life I've wanted for years now. Though, listening to my teammates in the room outside reminds me of how much I would miss this, and the promise I made to myself when I woke up in the hospital.

Eduard von Bock, I will ensure you are put behind bars. Even if it's the last thing I do.

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