Chapter 3

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The next five days came and went; neither the allies nor I made any progress in the Dia case. The allies were growing more and more stressed with every passing day. Fists flew, words thrown, and a strange threat to call a sister always went down in HQ. My day consisted of interrogations and dead-ends and my nights was sneaking out, back streets, old favors returned, and avoiding the police.

The Allies were constantly on the verge of becoming out right mad. Though despite all this, by the end of the day they were always able to not rip each other's heads off. But it wasn't until the sixth day that I noticed something was amiss.

"Alfred, could you help me with something?" Arthur asked motioning him over to the computer. He probably needed help with tracking the tipster, something that they been trying to do for three days after their other "leads" only lead them to a dead end (or drunk, either or).

Alfred looked at him, his blue eyes shining through a scowling face. His hair was newly washed and was brightly gold. He was sitting in front a game-boy and put it down when Arthur spoke. He leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table setting his game-boy down on the table beside him.

"Are you really that old?" He replied very rudely. "Can't you even work a simple machine?" He waivered and suddenly his entire cocky appearance he usually had dropped. He was suddenly a worried man that was a hollow shell of what he used to be. Then, as fast as he dropped it, he put on his put on his genuine smile he always wore.

Now normally, Alfred did make jokes regarding Arthur's age (even though he is only 26), but the comments he made were always good humored and well intended. But this comment was rude and almost harsh. Something that Alfred would never do.

Alfred earned a look from the rest of the team. Matthew, as well as Arthur, gave the American a good scolding about manners. I could tell Alfred was hiding something and kept an eye on the three blondes. Arthur and Matt scolded him firmly, as they usually did. But in the midst of all this Alfred looked straight at me, as if he was targeting me; as he had a gun pointed at my head.

Alfred's behavior bugged me. A lot. But, at the time I simply brushed it off as "Case stress" and went back to work.

I didn't know how that this "issue" would change the course of the case.

And how it would lead to the downfall of the Allies.

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