Chapter 13

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The ride back into London was long to say the least. It lasted nearly 3 hours, with barely any conversation to pass it by. Now, although 3 hours may not seem like much, I spent most of it thinking about all the possible scenarios my team could be in, making every minute feel like an hour. It was only after Antonio called in and told (more like ordered) to take a nap was my mind finally put to rest; needless to say that my dreams didn't help in the slightest, but that's a story for another time.

We and other agents arrived at the location Yao's ATU was supposedly in. It was a tall modern glass building in the middle of the city, bustling with activity. It was fairly late in the evening, but many tourists and businessmen still roamed the streets so immersed with their own lives that they didn't even notice us.

"Well they certainly aren't trying to stay hidden," Agent Citroen said gazing at the building.

I laughed under my breath; I thought the exact same thing. Though, remembering when I worked for 2p!inc., they weren't especially known for being well hidden, blending in was their specialty, and when that failed, bribing and threatening was their go-to.

That's it, I thought, that's our way in.

I quickly pulled the other agents on the side and told them my plan; we would use the 2p!s own strategy against them. Agent Karpusi and Adnan would stay out here and watch for any suspicious activity, Agent Citroen and Antonio would accompany me inside as the Mafia personas they were six months ago, infiltrate the building using the employees fear of the 2p!s to our advantage, and hopefully get inside of their home base. Hopefully being a key term in the plan.

They agreed to it on one condition; that Antonio, Agent Citroen, and I would change our appearance to avoid being recognized as agents or criminals (a note meant for all of us because Antonio and Agent Citroen were "part of the mafia," but more towards me, because the capture of Dia was televised internationally. Not my or the team's idea, but newscasters know everything.).

We were all given new, black coats and matching pants; much to Antonio's dismay who insisted I wear a skirt, to which I replied with a stern "no way in hell."

Going forth with my plan, ignoring Agent Adnan's snide comments, Antonio and "T.C."(Agent Citroen) accompanied me inside, all wearing new suits. Some business men didn't give us a once over, but the security guards were eyeing us like we were gangsters; that was the point. 

Knowing security guards, they won't do much other than eye you suspiciously until lives or their jobs are at stake. As long as I didn't try to steal anyone's wallet or pull a gun out my pocket, they weren't much of a threat. My main problem was the woman at the reception desk; the way she dressed and held herself screamed egotistical, overbearing, work-a-holic, with the IQ equivalent to the lint in my pocket; in other words, a bossy bitch. These were always the worse kind of receptionist, because they think that it is their civic duty to interrogate absolutely everyone who is within ten feet of them if they don't "meet their standards" (in other words if you don't look like a supermodel or dressed like one, you're being questioned).

We approached the desk as nonchalantly as humanly possible, but Ms. Receptionist called us over with a snap and a point to the desk the moment we were within 5 meters of her. Trying to ignore her, we kept walking towards the elevator, but she wouldn't have it. She walked out from behind the desk, disregarding the other 20 people that walked past her and her desk, and blocked our path to the elevator. Sighing internally, I knew it was impossible to pass her without going through her questioning.

"Excuse me, state your business here miss," she said. Saying 'miss,' as if she was forcing herself to call me that.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid our business isn't of your concern," I said forcing myself not to punch her right in her perfectly plastic nose.

"Um, actually," she said snapping her gum in annoyance, "You have to tell me or I'll need to, like, report you to the building manager."

I was about to reply, when Antonio held my shoulder and gave me a look that seemed to say "Don't worry, I got this," as he put me behind him protectively.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, chica," He said flirtatiously; every word he spoke was soaked in his suggestive Spanish accent, "But we must go meet some colleagues of ours upstairs, and we're already running late."

She giggled obviously lost in those green eyes of his, "Oh, there's no problem, you can go on through."

"Thank you mi amor," he said leaving the still fluttering receptionist and headed toward the elevator.

Inside the elevator, the valet met us; just as I had hoped. The 2p!s always put their base in buildings that happened to have valets (they love classy buildings like that), and it was obvious that this building had not yet learned to stop hiring one.

"Which floor?" He said failing to conceal his anxiety the moment we stepped in.

"Do you even need to ask?" I replied not looking at him.

"Excuse me?"

Staring daggers into him I replied, "You know exactly what floor I'm talking about, and what'll happen if you don't take us there."

Fearing for his life, he pressed the button to level 23 (coincidentally, that was the same floor my bosses, the 2p! Axis, was stationed... Or maybe not so coincidental) and remained silent the entire way up- not even bothering to even mentioning a bribe once we got up to our floor, as I've seen many do before- and quickly closed the door behind us.

"Was it necessary to scare the crap out of the kid?" T.C. said once the elevator closed.

I sighed, "I know, I felt really bad... But 'ya gotta do what'cha gotta do."

The hall was dark and nearly deserted, only one door at the end of the hall, hard white lights glowing from under the door. Not even caring whether or not there were security cameras watching my every move, I walked toward the door and examined it. I knelt down just as the other two followed cautiously behind

"Locked, florecite?"

"Yeah," I paused trying to use the minimal Spanish I knew to translate his new name for me, "'little flower?' Really Antonio?"

"Si, I don't see why not. "

"Fine. Do any of you have a bobby pin?" I said wanting to change the subject.

Without any doubt in his eyes, Antonio looked at T.C., who looked about ready to kill the Spaniard. He didn't – I'm not sure if it was because Antonio was his friend, or because cleaning up his body would be time consuming - and reached in his hair and pulled out a bobby pin. I looked at him quizzically and was about to ask him "Why?"

"Here beertje," He said with a smile as he handed me the bobby pin; not a nice smile, but a smile nonetheless.

I started picking the lock thinking to myself that being called a flower was fine, but a "little bear" was a different animal entirely (no pun intended).

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