Chapter 8

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I looked behind me after what seemed to be an eternity of running. There were nearly a thousand people behind me on the crowded streets of London. But beyond the tons of tourists, businessmen, and the cars whizzing by, was a head of brown hair.

He was sitting at a table outside a café, his now short hair stuffed inside of a red military hat. As his red eyes scanned the street, for a split, horrifying, second, I thought his eyes met mine. But they soon kept moving, paying no attention to me. He would notice me if I stayed in the area for to long, so I started running once again.

I was running as fast as I possibly could. I stopped several blocks away, to catch my breath. I panted as I looked at the buildings around, not knowing where I was. I looked around and noticed a patch of dirty blonde hair in a long wavy ponytail standing on the other side of the street. He had brilliant glimmering violet eyes that were locked onto my plain (e/c) ones. He smirked and nudged the man next him. This man had flaming brown hair with a pair of sunglasses tangled in it, combined with tired, dull crimson eyes that gleamed evilly when they landed on me. He flashed me a flirtatious grin giving me a glimpse of a gap between his teeth.

I turned away, about to bolt, when I saw the man from the café a few feet away looking right at me. He winked and shook his head with a cocky grin. I turned around to run in the other direction, when a man with strawberry blonde hair gave me a wink and strut toward me he leaned down to me until we were eye to eye.

"'Ello cupcake," He said in a sweet voice. "There's no point in running anymore, you're completely surrounded."

I scowled, thinking I was defeated. From beyond the man with the baby blue eyes I noticed another man. He was hidden behind a pane of glass; I couldn't make out any specific details about him. I could see spiked up blonde hair and gleaming emerald eyes that were locked on to mine. But the thing that stood out to me the most was the shining FBI badge he flashed me through the glass. He waved in the universal signal saying 'Hurry up and get over here.'

I ducked past the Englishman and started to run toward the building the agent was in. Even though I got a head start, I felt the Englishman's hand brush against the back of my shirt. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I dodged his hand and ran toward the cafe. The man with the auburn hair followed as well as ponytail and the man from the cafe.

I frantically opened the door to the shop, practically throwing myself into the shop. The moment I made it inside a man with long wavy brown hair and sleepy green eyes locked the door behind me, much to the displeasure of the men outside. They banged on the door their threats muffled by the door between us. The man with the auburn hair took out a handgun and aimed it right at the doorknob, ready to shoot. The man who locked the door shook his head and pointed out to the busy streets. Pointing out all the potential witnesses that were already watching everything happen and those who didn't notice yet.

He scowled and put away his handgun. After a few seconds of exchanging words the men dispersed except for the man with the auburn hair.

He pounded on the door with a balled fist and pointed right at me and yelled loud enough for me to understand beyond the door, "You can't hide in there forever." With the same New York accent I heard earlier. Then he left.

I sighed and let my body fall to the floor. I was dizzy, and was struggling to keep conscious. Several people gathered around me. The man from the windowpane, the man with sleepy green eyes, a man with deep brown hair and lively green eyes, and a man with an olive green hoodie pulled over his head hiding most of his face.

"(Name)," the green-eyed man said with a rich Spanish accent. "Is something wrong?"

"Give her some room," the sleepy eyed man said.

"You think you can tell me what to do brat?" the hooded man quickly retorted.

The man that I saw behind the window looked like he was about to say something, but I never got a chance to hear it.

The moment he opened his mouth to say it, my fatigue took over me and my entire world went dark.

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