Chapter 5

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I awoke from a dreamless sleep to the grim cloudy London sky. I quickly got changed into a (f/c) shirt and jeans. I walked into the main room and was welcomed by the strong smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke. I coughed for a second, surprised by the sudden aroma.

"Is there something wrong (Name)?" said a certain longhaired Asian with a cigarette hang out of his mouth. He wore a sly smile on his face, and had a new blood red dress shirt barely buttoned to the top.

Francis entered the room and immediately started coughing. He fanned the air around him trying to clear away the smoke. He looked at Yao with a stern look.

"Mon Dieu! Why are you smoking Yao?" He asked; his voice was a bit coarse from all the second-hand smoke. "You know very well that you can't smoke in here, it's a hotel. And I hate the smell of cigarette smoke."

Yao sighed and put out the cigarette, and I went to go crack a window to let out the air. In about five minutes the smoke was cleared out and the rest of the Allies replaced it. And by fifteen tensions were high and threats were thrown without warning.

I pulled Francis away from a heated debate with Alfred to the only quiet room in the suite, my room. As I pulled him in Alfred followed in hot pursuit; Francis just made it inside before I slammed the door in the angry American's face. I leaned on the door and let out an exasperated sigh. Francis sat on the bed with a look of pure despair, an expression I was not used to on his usually cheerful face.

"Francis." I said, giving him a serious look. "Do you know what's going on? Out there is a mad house. And if we don't do something soon, I fear the worst."

"(Name), you know that I can't tell you everyth-," Francis started putting his cheek in his hand with a glum expression.

"Francis!" I yelled. "I know that you know that the Allies aren't being just that, Allies. They suddenly became moody, violent, and secretive. And you and I both know this is can't be case stress! So before giving me all that classified bullshit, think about the fact that if they keep acting like this, we're probably going to get pulled off the case or forced to resign. I mean come on; they're acting like different people!"

Francis seemed to be pulled out of the darkness by my "speech." He jumped off the bed and pointed to me shocked. "Say that again!" he said suddenly energetic.

"Francis, I know that you know that the Allies-," I started again simply reciting my words.

"No, after that! The last sentence you said." They're acting like different people?"

"Yes! That's it!" He started pacing the room biting his thumbnail until it was almost raw. After a few minutes of this, he suddenly dug in his breast pocket and pulled out a small device. "Here."

I took the device from his hand. It was no bigger than my palm, fully plastic and jet-black with the exception of a red rubber button in the middle. I ran I thumb in the smooth surface.

"What is it?" I asked looking at him.

"Back when I was a private a couple years back, it was mandatory to carry that with us at all times. We called it an A.T.U., Ally Tracking Unit. Where ever you are in the country or even the world I'll be able to find you. The old boss said you could do the reverse, but never really explained it. If we ever lose you," He tapped the A.T.U. "We can find you."

"And how is this going to help me?" I asked.

"You'll know when you need it," He said. He walked past me and turned the doorknob but didn't open the door. He turned to me and gave me a playful wink and salute. "The battlefield awaits."

I threw myself on the bed as I heard the door close. I looked at the A.T.U and gently held it in my hand. I sat up and reached for the necklace that held a small diamond that my father gave me. I hooked the device to the chain and put it under my shirt where I always keep it.

I knew I would probably need it very soon.

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