Arrogance & Innocence

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I stood by as my sister's coffin was lowered into the dark hole she would stay in forevermore. Remembering her final words I mouthed them to myself.

"No matter where I am I will always love you." She had said.

Her words were so wise for a 4 year old. I wanted to cry but for my mother's sake I stayed strong. They call what she died from the "Beautiful sickness". Whoever they are they don't know how UNbeautiful it is to watch the one you love so much die as you stand helpless. Sadly I wouldn't be going back home to everything I knew. The memories their were to sad. We, my mother and I, would be moving into my stepfather's house with him and his two 14 year old daughters.

"Harris" my mother said pulling on my sleeve "It's time to go."

I looked down at her to see tears still rolling down her pale cheeks. It would be this way until she got used to not having Hannah around. I would miss that bundle of joy with all my heart.

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