The Bakery

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“You know.” Bethany said, dragging me along. “You really should get chickens and plant a garden. It would save so much time. And you should buy flour and make your own bread. It'd save money as well.”

“Well Lord Doyle doesn't want to save me any time and he doesn't really care how much he spends so I guess no chickens, gardens, or flour for me.” I answered smiling sadly.

Bethany frowned. “I've always heard that Lord Doyle was a very nice and kind man. You make him sound so evil.” She said confused.

“I thought he was nice too until my mother died and he showed me his true colors. Really all he cares about is himself and his money and he'll do just about anything to keep it that way.” I answered simply.

“You mean he's only nice so he can make more money?” She suggested.

“Exactly!” I answered.

Bethany laughed, her brown eyes dancing. “I'll remember that.” She said tucking her almost waist length brownish blond hair behind her ear.

“Come on. We need 2 large loafs of bread and a little bit of Rye bread.” I said.

This time I dragged her. The Bakery was not a stall but a small shop along side the market place. As we entered a small bell rang and a young girl came out from inside the kitchen to greet us.

“Hello!” She said cheerfully. “I'm Sammy. What can I do for you today?”

“Well It's nice to meet you Miss Sammy. We were wondering if we could possibly get 2 large loafs of regular bread and 1 small loaf of Rye.” I answered smiling.

“Sure thing give me one second.” Sammy answered scurrying back into the kitchen.

“She's nice.” I commented to Bethany was was slightly hidden from view behind a large basket of rolls.

“Yea I like her. She's a good friend of mine.” Bethany answered picking up one of the rolls.

“Rolls!” I exclaimed smacking my forehead “I forgot to ask for rolls.”

Sammy came out from the kitchen and handed me the bread I'd asked for. “Here you are!” She said happily.

“I hate to bother you but I'm also in need of about a dozen fresh rolls.” I said taking the bread and handing her the money.

“No problem!” She answered and went back into the kitchen.

After we'd picked up the bread Bethany took me to go pick up the ribbon that Quinn needed for a book mark or something. She had a blast picking out all the different colors and I decided to let her pick one for herself. Lord Doyle wouldn't be able to yell at me because he'd never know. After getting smothered by Bethany's hugs I handed a few of the gold coins to a short red headed lady and then turned to leave. “That's everything.” I said as Bethany scampered after me. “What are you going to use your ribbon for?”

“I'm going to tie some of it around my old doll's waist and then use the rest for a present I'm making for my older sister. She's turning 23.” She answered happily. “Oh by the way I live only a short way form here. In case you ever need help again. Come on and I'll show you.”

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