The Kitchen

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Collin scampered after me.

"Master Doyle has never acted like that before! But you shouldn't have angered him so... If you don't mind my saying so Sir.” He said coming up behind me.

I looked at him and smiled. It probably looked a bit gruesome with the blood on my teeth and my chin but I couldn't exactly do anything about it.

“He is a stupid fool who doesn't deserve my respect. Everything I said to him was true. Especially the part about the cane.” I said wincing a little form the pain in my stomach.

I turned and saw the smallest hint of a smile on Collin's lips and continued. “And don't call me Sir. I've never allowed it and that's not about to change.”

The smile came again then it was gone. I changed accidentally forgetting to wash out my mouth and went into the kitchen. Collin was explaining things to everyone.

“My fellow servants.” He started off. I grinned. This guy liked drama didn't he. “Duke Harris is now our equal for the time being. His greedy stepfather, Master Doyle, has ordered him to work in the kitchen. So he will be here with you now until he is married off in 3 to 4 months.”

“Oh well...We welcome you, Master Harris.” One of the girls said timidly.

I sighed. “Just call me, Harris. OK? I'm and equal right now. So no more, “Master Harris” this or” Master Harris” that. Just, Harris.”

The girl looked confused but smiled and said “OK, Harris. I'm Nikki.”

She was a pretty girl who looked somewhere around my age. Her eyes were a deep Jade color and they had dark thick lashes decorating them. A healthy pink glow tainted her cheeks. Her long black hair came to the waist of her green dress and had little waves in it. Looking down at her I figured her slim frame was around 5'2in tall.

“Ah, Ben!” I exclaimed spotting my mother and my self's old cook. “I see you've managed to take over the kitchen!” Then spotting 2 of our maid's I said. “Cassandra and Ivory, I see you managed to sneak in too. But who's this?”

I looked at a small girl who looked somewhere around 18 or so. She looked up startled and said. “Oh I'm Mary.” then went back to chopping carrots.

"Well it's nice to meet you." I answered. Then turning to Ben, “As my new friend Collin just said I'm here to help out in the kitchen. Is there anything you need me to do?”

“We're making soup for dinner.” Ivory said handing me a bucket. “Could you get us some water? Oh my goodness! Your mouth is bleeding! What happened to you?”

“I just got hit with a cane in the stomach.” I explained wiping my mouth with my sleeve and leaving a red smear. “I insulted Lord Doyle.”

“Goodness, you shouldn't have done that!” Cassandra said.

I shrugged. “Can't change the past.” I said and walked out to go find the well.

It was a good distance from the house and I have to say I enjoyed the peaceful walk there. When I got the back I handed the bucket to Mary. Suddenly my stomach growled. Color started to rise in my cheeks but I tried to act normal.

“Oh,” Mary exclaimed. “Are you hungry? What time did you have lunch?”

“I didn't have lunch.” I answered quietly.

“It's 2 in the afternoon! No wonder you're hungry! I'll make you something...” Mary started but I interrupted her.

“No! Lord Doyle would kill me if he knew! I'm not allowed to eat... today or tomorrow.!” I said quickly.

“Why?” She asked confused. She was unaccompanied by Ivory, Cassandra, and Nikki.

“I wouldn't pick up a book for Lady Quinn and apparently I was rude to Lady Rani.” I answered. “So I guess it's a punishment. Is there anything else you need me to do?”

“Um... would you go do the shopping?” Nikki asked handing me a list, a small bag of coins filled with gold coins, and a basket for the items I bought.

“How far is the Market?” I asked excepting the items.

“About 3 miles form here.” She answered.

My eyes went wide for a second. “Well I'd better get started then.” I said walking out.

As I left I heard giggling and a little bit of whispering. I was to far to hear what they were saying.

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