The Day Before the Ball (Cecilia's POV)

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                                                               *Princess Cecilia's POV*

I was seriously about to scream from frustration. As if it wasn't enough for me to be the second oldest but now I had to go ahead and get married to give my kingdom a king. It was all my older brother, Davis' fault. He'd gone off and married someone from another kingdom and decided to rule that kingdom instead of this one. Not that I didn't like his wife or anything. I just felt that 15 was a bit young to get married. So now here I was getting ready for some ball my father, King David the 23rd, had arranged. I was worried that maybe the man I chose wouldn't be who I thought he was. I'd only have a few minutes to see every individual one anyways and that's NOT enough time to pick a future husband.  Thankfully the ball wasn't until tomorrow night, but men were already arriving from all over the kingdom.

"Cecilia, hold still. your knee is bleeding again. What have you been doing?" Rebecca, a servant who, although 2 years older than me, looked almost exactly like me other than the fact that her eyes were dark blue while mine were green, said as she held a cloth up to the bleeding skin.

She'd stopped calling me "Miss" a LONG time ago. 

"I was climbing a tree." I informed her.

"Listen to yourself. Climbing a tree! You are a princess not a peasant. You're to old to be climbing trees." Rebecca snapped.

"Why do you care? You're more into being  princess than I am. With all the fancy clothes and heavy jewlery that are more like torture devises than anything else that I could care less about. Why don't YOU go stand at this ball for hours meeting all those men since you seem so into it. I'll just sit here and wait to hear all about it." I snapped back.

"Your father will be able to tell it's not you even if the others can't." She replied seriously.

"Can't you stand in for most of it then? That's what you're here for. To go to stuff like this for me for my protection or whatever." I said.

"Well, I can, but we'll have to keep quiet about it. Your father and your brother both won't like it." She answered finally. 

I hugged her. She was the best friend I could ask for. After Rebecca had gotten the blood off my knee I went to take a walk around the grounds. My 4 year old sister ran up to me holding what looked like a kite. 

"Look Cecilia! Davis gave me his old kite! Isn't that great?" She squealed, jogging to keep up with my fast pace.

"That's wonderful Honey." I said not missing a step. 

"Do you like it?" Honey asked still jogging beside me. 

"Yes." I answered without looking.

"It's red and blue and it's really big." She said seeing that I wasn't really paying attention. "Aw, Cecilia. Why are you so grumpy? Rebecca said it was becuase you had to go see all these boys you don't want to see. But you see boys all the ti...."

All of a sudden the trumpet sounded telling me of another suiter. Quickly I speed walked... because it's not 'lady like' to jog... to my quarters and changed into a loose shirt and a pair of borrowed... ok stolen... britches. I stuffed my hair into a hat and ran to the stables to see who had arrived. Before I reached the stables I rubbed a bit of soil on my face. It would be harder to tell who I was that way. I saw the carriage coming and hid myself behind a nearby bush.

"Whao." I head the driver call as the carriage neared. 

He jumped down and opened the door for the passengers inside. Although there where 2 girls and an older man I didn't see a boy my age. I was confused and I couldn't help but wonder if the older man was coming to try his luck. I shuddered at the thought. The driver on the other hand was not to shabby. He was around my age with a nice muscular frame and big callosed looking hands. His blond hair was shaggy but cute. He glanced in my direction and grinned at me.

"Boy, Get a move on." The older man snapped and the boy turned to address him. "We don't have all day. The princess herself is showing us to our rooms so hurry up."

Oh right. I had forgotten about that. I turned and ran back to my room, washed my face and put my dress back on.


I don't normaly do this but I thought it would be a good idea to say Hey! And if you hadn't already noticed the point of view changed here. What do you think of Princess Cecilia? If you the point of veiw change I don't have to put her's but it's sort of important later on so please bear with me if you can. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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