Chapter Ten

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry it's been a while since i posted.. I was dealing with my last few months of my senior year and graduation and what not..  Now i have the rest of the summer to finish writing.  Hope you guys like it.  Thanks For reading :) Be sure to follow me on twitter @degratestlovee, and i'll be sure to follow back. Thanks-- Degratestlovee

                BUZZZZ Buzzzz!, I was woken up by the vibrations of my cell phone which was across the room on the dresser. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and quickly buried my face in my hands. Ugh, everything was processing in my head, and for some reason I didn’t want to deal or think about it. I shook my head, attempting to shake away all thoughts about last night and got out of bed to pick up my phone, which had now fallen on the floor.  The message was from Kyler, Have a good day at school.  Text me if you need anything. –Ky. Without replying, I sat my phone down in stared in the mirror. My eyes flickered back at me confused. I could feel him again. I smiled effortlessly, and then frowned at myself for not being able to control myself. I turned around, to find Ray sitting in the chair across my hotel room staring back at me. A smile spread across his face, and I could hear a soft chuckle behind it.

“Good morning Mel,” he rose from his seat and made his way towards me. Mel? He doesn’t even know me, and he thinks he has the right to call me Mel?  I didn’t respond, I just stood there and looked at him.  He had died his hair blonde which brought out his green eyes.  I sighed; he was just the most beautiful person in the world. “Silent treatment?”  his breath was sweet against my face and my mouth begin to water.

“How are you doing this?” I questioned, trying to compose myself.

“Do.. what?” he grabbed me by my waist. Uh oh, the feeling between my thighs returned. I forced myself to turn back towards the mirror. I watched our reflection. Hmm, we looked – Never mind that.

“What are you doing here?” I couldn’t remember how he had gotten in here or how long he had been here. Did he stay the night?

“You’re always so curious about everything. Ever try being spontaneous?”  His body was pressed against mine and his arms stretched out so that the palms sat firmly on the edge of the dresser. His mouth spitting out words so close to my ear that my body shook in pleasure. “I have an awesome effect on you, don’t I?  But I am not here to tease you. I wanted to know if I could catch a ride to school with you.” He didn’t bother to step back, instead he pressed harder against me, making me lean against the dresser.

“Obviously you got here without trouble; I think you can make it to school on your own.”  I pressed back against him, pushing him backwards and begin to make the bed.  He followed and began helping without my asking.

“So that’s a no..?” He looked disappointed, almost believable, but I wasn’t falling for it. I knew he had secrete mind powers!

“Ray I don’t know you! What makes you think you can walk in here and act as if we have known each other our entire lives?” I wasn’t actually annoyed, although I could tell he was buying every bit of my act. I was learning how to throw him off.

“I’m not a bad guy Melody; I was hoping we could be friends. …and maybe you could walk with me at school, so I won’t seem like a complete loner.” I checked his facial expression for honesty.  Don’t fall for it mel, don’t fall for it mel…

“So Roy is a demon?” I wanted to kick myself for asking, I didn’t need all this on my mind today, especially at school. I was already behind in every class. His eyes went from green, to a slight grey and I knew he was still hurting. Then I felt bad, how could I not be nice to him? He just lost his father… Oh, yeah… the father that … I had mixed emotions about everything, but I know how it feels to lose dad.

“Yeah… “ he trailed off and for a second he looked as though he might cry.  “My father was a demon, Heir to ASHMEDAI.” He shook his head in disgust, and I could tell he did not want to own his title.

“Heir to whom..?”

“All I know is he’s my father. I wasn’t raised by him. I was raised by the angels. Immediately after my birth, I was sent to the Glory Land, where I grew up with other ‘chosen ones’.  We were taught to fight all of our instincts, which were evil. Some of us just couldn’t seem to get it right. Me especially. Sometimes I could hear my father talking to me, telling me not to listen to what they were saying. I was always isolated and punished for my bad behavior. But that’s just me! It’s in my blood!” I could see him getting frustrated, and I didn’t know whether it was anger building up, or sorrow. He opened his mouth, and then closed it again, and a tear rolled down his right cheek. He began to continue.

“ASHMEDAI is the king of demons. My father’s great grandfather was raised by him. Our family is very much respected in the underworld.  Next to Hades, I guess you can say ASHMEDAI is the shit.” He chuckled to himself, as though there was an inside joke I was unaware of.

“Sometimes, I black out, and I turn into something evil. I start taking orders from the underworld, and by the time I snap out of it, I’m being punished for it in Glory Land. Talk about being misunderstood.. The first time I met my father, I was 9. He started visiting me in my dreams and he taught me how to transport myself to the underworld. On many occasions at night, I would sneak and visit him. I’ve never met my mother, but I hear she’s beautiful and locked away on some island. “ he looked up at me, and found my eyes. “This is who I am.”

I didn’t know what to say so I just managed to say, “I’m sorry?”  I was saved by Lori who had entered the room.

“What’s he doing here?” she nodded towards Ray.

“He needs a ride to school,” I smiled at him, and he smiled back, and I swear to god I was about to just melt right there on the damn hotel floor.

“What happened to his car?” she challenged. Pulling one brow up.

“Battery died,” Ray interjected and returned to his seat in the corner of the room.

“Oh, “Lori sighed and turned to walk into the other bedroom. “ We’ll be ready in 15 minutes,” she called over her shoulder.

“This is going to be a long fucking day,” I whispered to myself and began to pull clothes out of my duffle bag. I

“I promise, I’ll make your day as smooth as possible. Without any stress.” He kicked his feet up and pulled a book out of his book bag.

“Mhmm, sure..” I mumbled and headed to the bathroom to get dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2011 ⏰

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