Chapter Six

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Soooo, Like i said! I was able to post chapter 6 tonight as well! This chapter is what gives the story its title i guess... I hope you guys enjoy.. It may seem a little short as well... But i promise I'll make up for it!

Please Please Please Comment, Fan, or Vote guys! It really makes me feel accomplished when i get feedback or a new fan! :) Alright so here goes!


When I walked into the house, I quickly noticed that all of the lights where on. This was rare, my mother hated the light, and she claimed it caused her severe headaches and would make her act even bitchier than she already was. I set my bags down at the foot of the front door and hung my coat up before making my way into the living room, where I could hear laughter erupting. 'You have got to be kidding me,' I thought to myself. There was no way, my family was having a good time or even spending time together for that matter.

I stood at the entrance of the living room, and everyone quickly turned to face me. My mother was sitting halfway in Roy's lap and for once, she actually looked beautiful. She looked like my old mother, the one who took care of us, loved us, and claimed us as her children. She smiled at me and without hesitation said, "This is my oldest child, Melody. Isn't she beautiful? She's your age, just a few months younger than you. She'll be 17 in February. She can show you around at your new school tomorrow." This is not happening, I repeated over and over in my head. My mother's sharp voice interrupted me from my small thoughts. "Mel...? Don't be rude. Aren't you going to say hi? This is Raymond, Roy's son. He's going to be staying with us for a while," she said smiling like this was the happiest day of her life.

I turned to wave at this Raymond kid, when I got zapped into a daze. Where the hell did this guy come from? He was GORGEOUS! He had long brown locks which hung at the tip of his shoulders. His eyes were pure green, but not in a spooky way. He has beautiful smooth brown skin and I swear if I hadn't been trapped in a daze I probably would have walked right up to him and rubbed my palm against his face. His lips were full and I could hear them egging me on to come plant a big, juicy, wet one on them righ- "Don't just stare at em gal! Gone over there and talk to yah new brother heah?" Roy's voice cut right in the middle of my day dream. I could tell that he was still upset with me, but was trying to cover it up since his son was in the room.

"Hello," I managed to say, waving like a complete idiot.

"Hello," he mocked me, standing up, holding out his hand for me to shake it. I placed my hand in his soft warm hand and moved my arm up and down with his. His voice was deep and sexy. I was surprised when I didn't notice a southern dialect escape from his mouth. His speech was magnificent, every word he said sounded like music and I pictured myself dancing in a field of flowers, while he recited poetry. I couldn't grasp what had just come over me... all the thoughts that were entering my head where so unlike me. Dancing in flower fields? Really? C'mon Mel, get it together!

I needed to get my head together, so no matter how rude I may have looked... I asked to be excused and quickly ran upstairs to my room. This was all too much to bear for one day. First, I kissed Kyler Blackwood and kind of made out with in his living room while I was supposed to be at school, and now some gorgeous sexified beast is moving in my house!? I was so close to losing my mind, so I grabbed a fresh pair of jammies and walked across the hall into my bathroom. I jumped in the shower, unaware of the blasting cold water which sent a sharp pain through every muscle of my body. I waited until the water began to warm up before I started to wash.

Just as I turned the water off, I heard the bathroom door open and shut swiftly.

"Loreal, you couldn't wait three more minutes for me to get out of the bathroom?" I complained. It was common for her to just randomly unlock the bathroom door with a knife and use the bathroom. I felt that this was so stupid, seeing that there was Josiah's bathroom right down the hall and one downstairs as well. I grabbed my towel, which was hanging over the shower curtains, and wrapped it around my body. "Close your eyes," I said before I pulled the shower curtains back.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapped in my towel and when I looked up, it was not my little sister who looked back at me. "Didn't I tell you that you were going to pay for that there stunt you pulled earlier? Didn't I?" he repeated not giving me time to answer. I stood there, unable to move. I couldn't imagine what was about to happen next. There was no cigarette in sight, so the treatment seemed to be out of the picture for now. I thought about asking him I could get dressed before I received my punishment, but I wasn't able to let it out.

He was fast. He darted towards me in one movement, taking me on by surprise. I started to panic and opened my mouth to scream. He quickly covered it with his hand, and I slipped falling hard on my back. He fell on top of me and I squirmed to make sure that the towel was still covering my body. I opened my mouth, this time up under his hand and bit down hard on the palm of his hand. "Ugh, you bitch!" he exclaimed in anger. With the same hand I had just bitten down on, he raised it in the air, and when he lowered it I felt a hard blow to the face. This didn't stop me from kicking. I managed to get one of my arms free, and while holding down my towel with one arm, I began to wave the other franticly trying to push him off of me. When that failed, I gave up holding my towel and began to try and fight him off with both hands.

I could feel the cool air on my still moist body, and for a quick moment I wonder where everyone in the house had gone. Could they not hear my scream; or all the commotion that was coming from the bathroom? Did they even care to come see what was going on? My attention was taken away from my thoughts when I felt Roy's hands trying to push through my thighs. Whoa! This was not about to happen. I hadn't even had the real deal yet, I was not about to let it be taken away from me so easily. With all my energy I kicked as hard as I could and started screaming at the top of my lungs. "Stop!" was the only word that came out. Over and over and over again. Roy grabbed me by my hair and began to bang my head onto the hard tile floors.

I was losing control, just as he was gaining it and I felt him thrust himself into me. A sharp pain erupted from below and I cried out in pain. My hands went wild as I tried to pull him off of me, but nothing seemed to work. I could feel him going in and out each time, the pain getting deeper and deeper. I closed my eyes as my entire body began to numb and the only thought that obtain my mind was... Kyler.

I heard the shatter of glass and I felt Roy's body release me. I was too afraid to open my eyes, so I lay there, not sure if I was unconscious or not. I heard movement and the sound of manly grunts, but when I heard Roy scream out in agony my eyes bolted open. Roy was walking backwards, blood spilling out of his mouth as he tried to pull a silver rod out of his chest. He dropped down to the floor and lay there with his eyes still open, staring at me. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. "Mel," I heard Kyler's voice, but when I looked around he was nowhere in sight. I attempted to call him.

"Ky..." was all that came out.

"I'm here Mel. I got you babe. I got you." His voice had no panic in it what so ever, although he did sound angry. I felt my body being lifted in the air, until I was in Kyler's arms. I managed to get one glance at his face before I drifted off...

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