Chapter Nine. :)

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                I watched as Kyler walked into the living room and introduced himself to Ray. I listened for a minute or two to make sure the feeling was mutual and that Kyler was on his best behavior. Ever since what happened two nights ago, he has been a little too over protective, not that I had a problem with it... I kinda liked it actually.

"Mel!" my little brother exclaimed as I walked into the kitchen to find him making his favorite peanut butter and honey sandwich. His shaggy hair was pulled back with an elastic rubber band, and for the first time in weeks, I could see every perfect feature on his face. He smiled as I pulled him into my arms.

"Hey Joe, how's everything? I'm sorry I haven't been here, a lot was going on and I just needed to get away for a while. I came to pick up a few of my things while mom is out. Okay?" My thoughts where all jumbled up inside my head, and none of the right words seemed to be coming out.

"You're leaving again!? Mel you can't go, you just got here. You can't leave us with her. Please Mel, take us with you." I could see the tears forming up in his eyes, ready to be released. He was right, I couldn't leave them here. I had to do something, but I didn't have much time to think about it.

"Go upstairs and pack your things. I'll be right up in a second," I said without hesitation. The guilt had built up and I hated myself for abandoning my siblings just so I could recover. How selfish of me.

I walked into the living room to find Ray sitting on the couch alone. "Where's Kyler?" I asked walking right in front of the television.

"Well, Hi to you too Melody," it was the first time I had heard his voice since the night we were introduced. His voice was sexy, deep, and a little scratchy. His Green eyes flickered up at me fast, holding my gaze, as he stood up and walked towards me. Almost instantly, my mood began to change and I felt as if I was being sucked into a world full of love. He was beautiful, and I fought every urge in my body not follow every temptation that had started to taunt me. It was weird and embarrassing. I didn't even know this guy, and here I was ready to flirt and throw myself at him. This was nowhere near what type of girl I am. He cocked his head to the side and studied my face, and released a smile that made me feel warmth in between my thighs. I gasped and immediately shut my mouth, seeing that no words had begun to spill.

"Mel," I turned to see Kyler at the foot of the stairs. His voice was aggressive and warning and I couldn't tell if it was towards me or the sexy beast in front of me. I looked from Kyler to Ray, then back at Kyler.

"Hmmm..." I blinked hard trying to find something to say. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't even know the guy.

"I'm beginning to think I make you nervous Melody," Ray was closer than I remembered when I opened my eyes back up. His index finger lifted my chin up so that we were face to face. Uncontrollably, I stepped up on my tip toes following his lead.

"Watch it Mel," I knew the voice in my head was Kyler's, and it frightened me when I realized how much threat his tone possessed. Unfortunately, my body wasn't doing what my mind told me to do, which was to stop. I puckered my lips up hoping I'd find Ray's full, stunning, pink lips. Right before my eyes a blur formed from the corner of my eye and Ray's body was thrown into the wall opposite of me.

"Mel, I think you should head upstairs now," Kyler damn near spit the words at me as he walked towards Ray, who seemed to be struggling to get back up.

"Suicide? That's a fucking lie!" Ray's voice was filled with a loathsome tone. He was up faster than I thought he would be, but not faster than Kyler. He ran towards Ky and with one hand lifted his body up into the air by his neck. "You killed my father Kyler Blackwood, and as much as I want to kill you, we both know why I can't do that. So I will offer you a compromise or I will make you wish that you were dead. Do I make myself clear?" Kyler answered with nothing more than a grunt, and Ray tightened his grip around Kyler's neck. Kyler's veins could be seen in his forehead, his neck, and in his arms as he attempted to pry Ray's hand off of his neck. His legs began to kick back and forth as his face turned red; I swear it was ready to pop any second now.

"STOP!"  Ray looked at me without letting Kyler go. He smiled as he dropped Kyler to the floor. "In case you're boyfriend hasn't explained to you what is going on, the NSOB is not your average organization. It's not something you are picked or chosen to be in. It's more like something you are born into. Kyler here is an amateur, and has only been an Angel for the past two weeks. Me however, I've been in this thing for 4 years and was sent here to be punished by the chief for killing without proper training."

"You're a murderer?" I questioned stepping back.

"Not exactly, I like to think of it as a protector. Angels only kill 'the evil'; I did what I had to do."

"Angels?....What?"  None of this was making sense.... Kyler... and Ray? Angels? Like from up above? I tried to put everything together but it was all just too much. Ray was shaking his head, stopping the process of my thoughts. Could he too hear my thoughts? He gripped the front of his tight, muscle t-shirt and tore it to shreds.  Ray turned around slowly so that his back was facing me. Two thick, long scars, which seemed to be identical on both sides, could be seen. Ray's body started to shake as his hands clenched into two tight fists. Both vertical lines ripped open and out sprung two black, enormous wings.

"This is what we are," he said in a disapproving voice. His wings began to flap lightly, and the breeze hit my face.... This was real. I had so many questions, should I start now? Should I save them for later? The room started spinning, and suddenly I was lightheaded. I walked... more like wobbled to the couch and took a seat.  I looked over at Ray; he was beautiful.  How could such a gorgeous creature, have so much hatred built up inside of him? Ray cleared his throat, bringing Kyler and my eyes up to where he was standing. "I should be going. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

"Yeah maybe... I don't know if I'm going yet."

"Oh, she'll be there," Kyler announced rising to his feet. We watched as Ray walked out of the room, and sat in stillness until we heard the front door shut. "We have exactly thirty-seven minutes until you're mom gets back. You should go upstairs and get your things Mel. He wasn't looking at me; as if he were afraid I'd point a finger at him and laugh.

"Loreal and Josiah are coming with me. I can't leave them here," I demanded expecting him to reply with a no.

"That's fine. Hurry up."

"Explain to me first. What is going on? You and Ray... Know each other?"


"Kyler, tell me. I'm confused."

"To make a long story short.... Ray was right. Being an angel is not something you choose to be. It's in our DNA. We usually develop our wings, or go through what humans call "puberty" around the age of eighteen. I'm an early bloomer. I got my wings while you were away at your grandfather's house. I've known about the Iroquois legend my whole life, seeing that my father is the chief.  But Ray on the other hand, isn't a pure angel. He's one of the only exceptions to our kind. Both of his parents are demons, which mean he was an angel who was chosen at birth. I don't too much understand all of the basics, but I go away on the Iroquois retreat tomorrow. I'm sure the Angelic Covenant will feel me in on everything. Pretty much that's all I really know. All I'm allowed to know until I leave, "he finished off with a big sigh and shook his head.

"This is all so weird...  So Ray can hear my thoughts too?"

"Nah, Ray can hear my thoughts, which were replaying your thoughts in my head. That's probably how he knew what you were thinking. Only you're guardian angel can hear your thoughts."

"And you are..."

"Yes, somehow I was paired with my best friend. Although now, that I can hear what's goin on in there, I doubt that will be out title for long." He smiled and I could feel my cheeks flush red.

"I think I'm going to head upstairs now," I said with an uneasy voice. I rose from the couch and made my way upstairs.

Twenty minutes later, Kyler was driving my siblings and I to a hotel right outside town. Ky said it would be best that way we wouldn't have any visits from Ray. According to him, Ray was dangerous and stuck in-between his destiny, and what his parents wanted him to be. This is where we would be staying for the next week, until Kyler returned from his retreat. He checked us into a two bedroom hotel suite, and handed over the keys to his car.

"How are you going to get home tonight?" I asked confused.

"Got it covered, Dad's already outside." He smiled and pressed his lips to mine and proceeded out the hotel room.

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