Chapter Four; Kyler's POV

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As I drive down the street leading to my house, I scan the areas making sure Roy hasn't come home from work early. The last thing I need is for Mel to get into any more trouble, especially because of me. I can feel her fear as she sits next to me in the passenger seat. Her heartbeat is loud in my ears and it begins to accelerate as we pull into my driveway. She's talking, nothing but panic raids her voice. I don't listen. Instead, all my attention is on her house. I try to concentrate... maybe I can get it to work this time. No luck.... Damn. I couldn't get a visual on the inside of the house, so I thought it would be best if I just park in the back of my house that way we wouldn't risk getting caught.

"What are you doing?" she asks looking around.

"Shh..." Sometimes I wish she would just go with the flow and stop trying to take control over everything. I mean, I know she's use to being in charge and having so many responsibilities, but could she let someone take care of her for once? Maybe she didn't know how to do that.

I pulled around to the back of my house where the gate was already opened. I drove into the driveway and parked. I swear Mel was having a panic attack next to me, so I attempted to calm her down. I placed my hand on her shoulder, that's when she looked at me. Her hazel eyes were golden brown, with a green tint; beautiful. I listened as her heartbeat played a slight decrescendo and she seemed to be calm. I didn't know what to say, or where to begin for that matter. For the first time, her mind was blank and I couldn't read any emotion.

We made our way inside and into the living room, where we sat down on the couch. "So..." I began unsure of where this would take us. "Mel... What's wrong?" Obviously something was bothering her, and I couldn't get anything out of her head. "Talk to me," I pushed once more. I was starting to get worried.

"I don't know what I'm going to do..."She started but then drifted off. I was beginning to get frustrated. Why couldn't I hear her? Was it possible that she could block me out? "I can't go back home tonight...I'm really in for it this time." Her voice was anxious, scared, and shaky and the only thing I could do was hold her. I hated when she got like this. I wanted to make it better for her. I opened my arms up to her and she came to me willingly. I wish that I could make her mine... but I knew that it was impossible.

I held her tightly, not wanting to let go... Why couldn't this just be easy? It obvious, we were made to be together. I hated myself for not realizing this earlier. I had always liked her, but didn't know if she felt the same about me. It wasn't until I was able to start hearing thoughts and feeling her emotions until I knew that she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. But it had all happened so fast... I wasn't able to react fast enough. I wasn't able to tell her how I felt. Seemed like as soon as I knew that we were meant for each other...I was accepted into NSOB. I had waited my entire life to be apart of this group. It was my destiny and I knew this from day one, but what I didn't know was that it would come with so many restrictions.

I snapped myself out of the daze I had been sucked into; to find Mel still rambling about what she was going to do. "It's going to be fine Mel, you'll see."

"How do you know? It's not like you're there... It's not like you can stop it. I'm doomed." Mel was devastated, and I didn't need to read her mind, all her emotions where coming out through her words.

"I don't know... Intuition?" I answered truthfully. In fact, I didn't know how I knew that everything was going to be okay. I just knew. Something deep down, told me... I couldn't explain it. "There's so much I want to tell you Mel..."This would be the first time that I would have to keep secrets from her.

"Then tell me! I'm not stupid. Ky, I know something's up. It's Ambreal, isn't it?" she sounded disgusted. I thought it was cute, how jealous she would get when it came to Ambreal.

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