Chapter Five

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Authors Note: :)

Okay, so here's chapter Five.... I know it's a bit short, but I was actually planning on writing and maybe posting chapter6 as well... hmmmm, It depends on how tired i get.

BTW, I really want to thank everyone who has become a fan of mine! THAT IS SOOOOO AWESOME! Thanks for all of the support and votes! I really appreciate it. Writing is fun and all, and trust me, its my passion, but its SOOOO much more fun when you are writing for an audience.

So here it goes, hope you guys enjoy...If i don't post chapter 6 tonight, look for it tomorrow! IT SHALL BE HERE! I'll make sure to write a little at school during my free time so i won't keep you guys waiting!

Yours Truley,

Ti'Ray DeGrate--- DeGratest Lovee


I sat in the passenger seat as Kyler drove to Northview Creek Academy for the second time today. I looked out the window the entire time, scared to bring up what had just gone down at his place less than 15 minutes ago. I was so confused; sure, I was excited about the way he reacted, but what did all of this mean for us? There were so many things left unsaid, and I wanted answers... but something inside told me to slow down, and digest everything before I made everything worse.

When we pulled up to the school, it had begun to drizzle slightly outside. I squinted as I looked out the window trying to find my siblings waiting for us under the catwalk. Kyler spotted them before I did, and honked the horn while waving his hands trying to get their attention. They ran to the car quickly and I pushed me seat forward letting them squeeze into the backseat. "How was your day Joe?" I asked as we pulled out of the school parking lot.

"It was okay," he didn't sound so bad, so I didn't push it any farther.

"...And you Lori? How was yours?" I turned back to get a glimpse of her in the backseat. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well... How about we go for out for pizza tonight? Hopefully that would brighten up the mood a bit." Kyler still hadn't spoke to me since we left his house, the feeling was starting to get beyond awkward. So what? Was he not talking to me now?

"Awesome!" Josiah exclaimed. At least someone's day would improve due to the pizza. The rain began to get heavier as we drove closer and closer to the pizza parlor. Once again, I stared out the window, watching the raindrops race as soon as the landed on the window.

An hour later we were all seating at a booth in Gustoso's Pizza Parlor, finishing up our meals. Joe had managed to stuff the rest of his pizza crust into his mouth and washed it down with his coke. "Can I go now?" he pleaded looking at all the other kids having fun at the arcade.

"Go ahead," Kyler permitted giving him a handful of golden tokens. "Have fun," he smiled as Joe ran off towards a race car game. Kyler sat directly in front of me at our booth, while Lori sat on the side of me. She was busy texting away as usual... Probably that Jasper kid. We sat in silence, Kyler and I exchanging glances from time to time. I would not be the one to break the silence; I didn't even know where to begin after what had just happened between us. I kept having flash backs of how nice it felt; Kyler's body on top of mine. His hard, stone torso pressed against me... it all just felt so... right. I was pulled out of my train of thought when Lori's cell phone began to ring. She quickly got up from the table to answer it. She sat two tables down from ours so that we wouldn't be able to hear her conversation.

"Melody," his voice was so perfectly sweet; my mouth began to water just by the sound of his voice. I loved the way he pronounced my name. I looked up meeting his gaze. His eyes looked soft and confused, like he was thinking very hard on what exactly he wanted to say. "I'm sorry."

I couldn't understand why he was apologizing. I didn't want him to be sorry. I liked it... I was glad that it had actually happened. "Don't be. I'm glad it happened, I liked it. It was... fun." My voice came out low, almost a whisper.

"Oh trust me; I'm not sorry about that." He smiled hard, showing all of his perfect teeth. His dimples appeared on his cheeks and I could feel myself blushing. I'm apologizing because I can't give you all the details about what's happening." He looked down and began to play with something in his lap. "You see Mel, It's not that easy..." I cut him off as I held my hands up at him in a stop position.

"I understand... you don't have to tell me right now." I didn't want things to get too complicated. I was already uncomfortable with the fact that things were already changing; the bad things anyway.

"No... You don't understand. It's not as simple as you think, so just give me some time okay?" I nodded slowly, not sure how exactly I was supposed to take that. Did he want space? Did he feel crowded already?

"Can I ask you just one question?" He raised his eye brows as if he were waiting... "Does all of this have to do with the fact that you were accepted into NSOB?" His eyes locked onto mine. He didn't answer, but it was as if he was in my head. I felt connected to him, and immediately I knew his answer. His eyes began to water and it appeared as though he might cry. I felt forced to go hug him and comfort him, but held my spot in my seat. I thought it would be best if I gave him some breathing air.

We stayed at the pizza parlor until 6:00 doing homework, although I don't think Kyler got much done. Everyone I paused to gaze up at him, he seemed to be staring off into the distance. I felt a little bad for him. I bet he felt all alone inside; this was the first time where he had shut me out. Just last week, I knew everything there was to know about Kyler Blackwood; now it seemed as if all of that had gone out the window. And the guy that sat in front of me now, was a completely different person.

The ride home was quick and I dreaded going inside. I let my siblings out of the car and slowly walked to the porch behind them. I stood on the porch and watched as Kyler parked his car next door. As he got out of his vehicle he looked up. I was too scared to go inside, so I stood there rocking back and forth on the heels of my feet. Kyler made his way over across our yard and up the first two steps of our porch. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I thought of what punishment I would be given. Hopefully, it wouldn't be the cigarette treatment. The scab from the last treatment had barely healed and was still a bit tender.

Kyler held his arms out to me and said, "Come here..." he had given me another invitation for my favorite spot. I walked into his arms as they folded around me. "It's going to be okay. If you need me... just say my name and I'll be there. I promise." I wasn't sure what he meant exactly, but I shook my head anyway against his brick chest. I tried to listen for my favorite song, but his heartbeat couldn't be heard, probably because of my loud sobs. He kissed me on my forehead, turned me around and gently pushed me towards the door. As I opened the door, I heard him say, "Goodnight Mel." I didn't turn back to look at him, distracted by what I saw as soon as I walked through the door.


Currently Writing Chapter6 as of 9:46 P.M. EST: REMEMBER; VOTE, FAN, COMMENT! THANKS!

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