Thank You For The Venom - My Chemical Romance Vampire/Werewolf Fanfic

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The whole werewolf/vampire spectrum and MCR

Let me just say, I've spent a while thinking about this idea.

I don't want my story to turn out Stephanie Meyer-ish. Least to say, I don't want Mikey and Gerard sparkling and I don't want them to be tan and buff either. So I'm just gonna sitch this up a little bit and start off by introducing the whole general idea of this story.

I've been an MCR fan for a long time. I've always wanted to do an MCR vampire kinda story, so here you go!

Umm, I'm gonna introduce a LOT of people in this series (mostly bands that will either turn out to be vampire or werewolf, yes, a little on the playful stupid side, I know, but it's always fun imagining them so!) so please pay VERY close attention. It might be a little confusing, I'll try to make it less confusing as possible. You must know about the past to get it. I will explain now. And please do tell me what you think here and there. It helps a lot :-)

This allll started when the brothers (Gerard and Mikey)'s dad, Donald, was a werewolf and Donna was a vampire. They met back in England and fell in love with each other as soon as they saw each other. At this time, it was when Jared, the lead vampire of ALL vampires, absolutely DETESTED werewolves. He looked down on the werewolves as inferior and the vampires as a superior race. He wanted werewolves long gone. So he sent out people from under him specially hired to hunt down werewolves and kill them. This moved the werewolves to Italy, which they now call their homeland, same as vampires call England theirs. Also, this caused the werewolf reign to disappear, leaving only as much as only 5000 werewolves in the entire world. Vampires are now against werewolves, thanks for the werewolf massacres and the lashbacks from the werewolves from that. it's Jared's fault only. He lied to his people to make the werewolves look bad, basically, but no vampire knows if it's true or not; only the vampires who work close to Jared do. Now, the werewolves despise vampires. And it's all Jared's fault.

Donald at the time was working for Jared's coven, but didn't exactly agree with Jared's idea of 'hating werewolves'. But he kept his hatred for him a secret. He met Donna, threw away that absurd idea of hating werewolves, and then they secretly got married and had Mikey and Gerard. Making them... half werewolf and half vampire, basically.

How Jared found out? Two special people named Joey and Wednesday 13 (Murderdolls fans!!!! I'm directing this towards you!!!) are undercover for Jared. In other words, they find out and retrieve information from the werewolves by their own sneaky ways. They're the sneakiest vampires so far and are very well sensed message retrievers and finder-outers? (discovers, duh.) They told Jared about Donald's 'forbidden' relationship with Donna and Jared ended up getting mad like a transexual giraffe without pain meds and sending his coven to hunt the two down.

How did this idea come of vampires hating werewolves? Well, let me explain... a little confusingly. :( Jared found a way to frame werewolves. There was a time, where werewolves and vampires were completely fine with each other and the oldest werewolf who ruled alongside Jared was Levi. Jared secretly hated him, thought more of vampires, and devised a carefully worked out plan to eliminate Levi so that he could eliminate the werewolves too and make them look bad by blaming Levi's death on... well, Levi's race and how the race 'acted'.

See, werewolves and vampires are two completely different races. And he pinned the blame on how bad the werewolves are, when they're honestly not.

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