Chapter 2 : Stay Awake

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I stopped in the middle of an empty intersection in the street.

That was creepy. In a city like this, there were no cars whatsoever taking this way or that way on either road.

I was alone.

I was scared.

I stood for a while in the same spot, clinking my boots on the wet ground. My fists remained clenched. It probably rained earlier which explained the wetness of the pavement and the water that dripped so mysteriously off from the trees and buildings. I felt a slight breeze run through my hair and my entire body. I wrapped my arms tighter around me and gazed cautiously around me. The night air seemed to calm me down.

Then, silence. The water stopped dripping. The trees stopped swaying in the wind. The street lights illuminating the street that I was standing on remain lit. Crickets stopped chirping.

I felt like if I let out a breath of air, I would get caught. Blood on my hands. The blood almost looked like juice. Except it was darker and smelled... a bit more delightful than I expected.


I had a thirst for something, but I couldn't put my hand on it. Thirsty for some water? Beer? Wiping my hands on my jacket, I sighed. The rain seemed to wash most of it away. Quietly, I picked up my pace and walked off to the sidewalk on my right instead. I trudged and trudged for an eternity until I came across an alley. Curiously, I walked inside. The brick walls seemed to stare at me as I was walking. I caught bright graffiti on the walls and closed entrances and garage doors and whatnot.


I felt like someone was still watching me. I stared ahead of me to avoid looking back. The passageway of the alley seemed long and dreary. There was two ways to get out as I looked over on each side, either the right or the left. The left, I saw, led to a dark gravel road, followed by some creepy looking houses. The right, led to a clearing, then some dark black-looking woods.

What should I do? Should I go back to the hotel instead? But what if Mikey confronted me about what had just happened? I didn't wanna face my own brother or my band mates for that matter.

I felt like a total monster when I hit that guy. When everyone stared at me. When Matt gave me a knowing look with those green eyes that seemed to burn a hole through my heart. Whatever power or force I had to send that guy's face to the hospital, I didn't want it.

I wished this night never happened!

I ran again up to the middle end of the alley. Which passage should I take? The woods or the creepy neighborhood? It all seemed mysterious to me.

Before I could answer myself, I felt a super strong presence behind me. I knew it was there. It had to be. I felt the tips of my hair stand up. I turned around as quick as I could. A human being with a black veil over him. No. Not a veil. He was covered in black. Was it just the shadow of the night? I thought. Or was it even human?

I managed to stutter out, "Who the hell are you? What do you want from me? Why are you following me?!" I don't even know why I talked to it. I felt like if I did, it might as well just silence me by killing me or some shit.

It stayed silent and stood in its place. I could make out the bluest eyes from underneath that hood it was wearing. It leered at me with its catlike eyes. It didn't say a word. Here I was, standing face to face with this unknown entity who was stalking me.

I reached out to see if it was even alive or anything.

Then, another black entity came out of that entity! What the hell was this? Is it multiplying or something? Then, it recoiled back. I tried to reach out even further. I needed to get in contact...

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