Slavery in Africa

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"Um, I don't know why you guys are so hateful towards white people. There was a history of slavery in Africa before the Europeans came."

Please miss me with this shit. Please. White people think they're so smart when they say shit like this. Honey, no, you sound like a fucking idiot.

People were enslaved in Africa to pay off a debt or crime, they also had a chance of regaining freedom. When the Europeans came, black people were property without any rights. They were also slaves for life.

Saying things like "Well black people were already enslaving themselves," in effort to take the attention off of what white people have been doing for centuries is dehumanizing. You'll be quick to paint black people as savages who were out of control but forgot to do research. Hm...*pulls out calculator* this shit doesn't add up.

You'd rather point fingers and ignore the fact that Europeans not only enslaved black people but ignore all the horrible shit they've done. Like, how they used black infants as alligator bait and did experiments on black people. Cracking open their skulls, amputating them, dissecting them. Also, putting us on display in human zoos. Doesn't feel so good knowing that you tried to justify slavery in America when black women and men were stripped completely naked and thrown into exhibits. White people stole from us too, while colonization and slave trade was going on, they stole riches from Africa like all types of diamonds and gold.

"They only go so far back in history to cover up their own tracks,"

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