Some Motivational Shit

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Let me spit some motivational shit. I'm gonna be the DJ Khaled of Wattpad right now bc I just had a motivational ass conversation with my mom.

Don't sit around waiting for something to happen or someone to come around. If something isn't right and it's bringing you negative energy and negative vibes then get the fuck on your merry way and move on. Fix the situation and live your fucking own fucking life. Don't live for other people and don't make decisions because of other people. You know what the fuck you have to do so do what you need to fucking do so you can be happy. DON'T PUT EVERYBODY BEFORE YOURSELF. I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE, THINK ABOUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION FIRST. Anyone who's toxic has to go, tell that bitch to find another place to be irritating, as long as it's not around you, we cool. Decide for yourself, don't go by what the fuck somebody else says. (Even if it's me, omg y'all be so quick to eat up everything that I say and that's so dangerous, pls don't feel afraid to disagree or feel differently and sprout your own opinion about certain things, I'm not always right.) DON'T LET BITCHES MANIPULATE YOU INTO STAYING IN SOMETHING THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT THING. Fuck out of here with this "glo up" shit, if you don't love where you're at right now, then you certainly can't grow. Don't compare yourself to other people. Get your own shit, be an individual, if your life goal is to be like someone else then that's some sad shit that you need change. Don't depend on other people to get you at the places you want to be, nigga if you set your own goals then you have to reach that shit yourself. Stop trying to change people and their mindset. If they're not on your wavelength then it's not worth the struggle. If somebody doesn't like you, then bitch...okay, if you can look at yourself in the mirror and like yourself then that's all that even fucking matters. Listen you need to ask yourself, "So this bitch that doesn't like me, are they paying my bills, are they buying my meals, are they buying my clothes, are they paying that college tuition, are they going to help me be a successful ass bitch?? No?? Okay well then they can fuck themselves bc they're not doing shit for me, them not liking me has no affect on my life whatsoever," YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR SHIT THATS NOT HELPING YOU GET WHERE YOU NEED TO BE. If you have a passion for something and you're going to pursue it, don't be a lazy hoe. You better eat, sleep, and breath something before you call it your craft. Somebody is always going to be better than you. There is always someone somewhere out there that works twice as hard as you and if you're only doing something to be better than someone else, then you're in it for the wrong reasons. You should only be doing anything for your own personal gain not to constantly prove a point or to be above everybody else. You need to be focused on you, if your name wasn't fucking mentioned then it's not important. This sounds so selfish but you have to look out for yourself because at the end of the day you're the only fucking person you can depend on. Be comfortable with who you are.

I wrote this because I want all of my readers to be happy hoes that have no regrets about anything. I want to see all your happy hoe faces shining in the hoe sunlight. Now go take on the world with all the mental strength in the world.

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