Chapter 23: A- troupe hang out

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A.N: Summer is 2 months now, I skipped time a bit :)

Eldons pov:
I get back in to my apartment to see Maya and Skye baking cupcakes.
" Can you put the sugar in?" I hear Maya ask and Skye puts it in.
" Good job!" She says. I walk in and their faces light up.

" Daddy!" Skye shouts.
" Hey princess," I reply and pick up Skye. I hug Maya and she smiles.
" We making cupcakes!" Skye says and I smile.
" I'm going to eat them all up," I say joking.
" You can't daddy!" Skye says giggling. " Don't worry I won't," I reply before putting Skye down and hugging Maya.
Then I make my way upstairs to go have a shower. When I'm finished I put on my normal clothes and then Summer starts crying.
" May it's okay Ive got her," I shout.
" Okay thanks!" Maya replies.
I cradel Summer until she stops crying for bit. I take Summer down to Maya so she can feed her.

The rest of the afternoon is spent me and Skye messing around while Maya tidys up.

Mayas pov:
I sit on the couch holding Summer while waiting for everyone to arrive. It's going to be fun as we can all have a good time before the Regionals auditions.

Suddenly the door bell rings and I hear Eldon open it.
" Hey guys!" Eldon says and I hear James and Riley.
" Hey!" I say as they walk into the living room. We have a pretty big living room for an apartment.

As Riley walks in with Madison in her car seat, James has Mason, Skye runs up to Riley.
" Hi Riley!" Skye says and smiles.

" Hey Skye how are you?" Riley says.
" Good how's your babies?"
" There good," Riley replies as Skye sits on the sofa next to me.
" This is my baby sister!" Skye says and I smile.
" Is she a good sister?" James asks.
" Yeah," Skye says and kisses Summers head.
I pass Summer to Eldon as I hear the door go. Everyone else from a troupe comes in, minus Liv, she left to go back to her old studio.

" Hey everyone!" I say excited.
" Hey Maya," Everyone says as they walk in.

We all sit them in the living room and Skye runs over to me and sits on my lap.
" Skye this is my dance Friends," I say and Skye moves into me shyly.
" Awwe she's nervous," Giselle says and I smile.
" Yeah she will be fine once she gets to know you," I say.
We talk about loads if things including the regional auditions.
" So Riley, Maya are you auditioning?" Michelle asks.
" Definitely," Riley says while rocking Mason and Madison.
" Maybe," I reply.
" Guys who wants pizza!" Eldon says and everyone agrees.

Summer starts crying and Eldon passes her to me, I rock her and take her out into the kitchen.
" Sshhh Summer mummy's here," I say but it doesn't work.
I check Summers nappy and it's fine and decide to heat up a bottle.
" Summer," I whisper and rock her but doesn't stop.
I try the bottle and it doesn't work.
" You okay May?" Eldon asks.
" Yeah," I say and hold Summer close to me while she cries.
" Rock a by baby," I sing gently while rocking Summer. I carry on with the lullaby until Summer stops. She slowly drifts off to sleep and I watch her eyes close.

Skye runs in and I take her to her room.
" Can you put your pj's on Skye?" I ask and she gets them and puts them on.
" Good job baby," I say before she hops into bed.
" Night night baby Skye love you,sweet dreams," I say before kissing her forehead.
" Night mummy love you," She says and I walk out with Summer pulling the door to.

When I walk back pizzas ready and I put Summer in her moses basket before eating and hanging out with a troupe once more.

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