Chapter 25: Blacked out

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Mayas pov:
I rock Summer to sleep before putting her in her cot in my bedroom. I can't believe she's nearly 4 months old. I turn on a night light and walk over to Eldon.
" How my favourite girl doing?" he asks.
"Good," I giggle and he pulls me in for a hug.
" Im just going to go get some nappies for Summer I'll be back soon," I say pulling away from the hug.
" Okay," Eldon replies before Skye comes in.
" Mummy don't go," Skye exclaims running up to me.
" I'm only going to the shops Skye I'll be back soon you have fun with daddy," I say kissing her forehead.
" Oh okay bye!" Skye says and she runs up to Eldon.

As Im driving to the local Walmart my favourite song, fight song comes on the radio. I burst out singing before getting out of the car.

I walk into Walmart and pick up some things. First of all I get some nappies and then pick up some food. Finally I pick up some sweets for Skye and some chocolate for me and Eldon. I pay and walk out back to my car.

I'm driving home until a car comes from no where and drives right into my car where I'm sitting. I slam down the brakes but it's too late. Our cars spin and the pain is torturing. It's worse than giving birth and my eyes slowly close. All I see is black....

Eldons Pov:
I'm getting Skye changed for bed when my phone rings.
" Hi Eldon," Colette says. I can sense the worriedness in her voice.
" Hi what's wrong?" I ask nervously.
" Mayas been in a car crash she's hurt," Colette screams and my heart stops.
" I'm coming!" I pick Up Summer and call Skye.
" Skye come here quick please," I call before trying to sooth Summer.
I strap Skye and Summer in the car before driving to my parents house.
" Mum, Dad Mayas been in a car crash can you take Skye and Summer?" I ask quickly.
" Of course Eldon okay you go," My mum says worried.
I hand her Summer and kiss Skye goodbye before rushing and driving to the accident. 

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