New Job

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After that weird encounter with Mr. Kim, Hoseok and I continued our chatter and in the middle of it, he just nudged me hard.

"Oww, what'd you do that for?" I whined.

"There he is. Look." Hoseok said and looked really excited.


"Jimin. Jimin's here!" He exclaimed and I turned my head to look everywhere and I saw him at the bar, talking with Mr. Kim.

"Oh...." I nodded. "Where did you meet him? I guess he looks nice." I shrugged.

"Well, we met here, too. One time he came up to me and started talking to me. He was really fun to talk to and then I realized that he was really cute and I want him. He's also a model and best friend of Taehyung." He squealed while telling the story. You know like most girls do when they're high school crushes brush past them or whatever.

"I'll go up to him, okay? You stay put." He said and walked happily to the bar, specifically towards Mr. Kim and Jimin. Now I was left here all alone. Jeez, way to go Hoseok.

I just kept drinking the shots that were on the table while I just kept glancing at them. The three happily talking. Its always like this. People always leave me alone. And surely I was getting drunk from the amount of shots I've been taking.

"Jungkook-ah." Okay, was I being delusional or am I really hearing my ex's voice, but then some arms wrapped around me and I knew I wasn't being delusional. "I missed you." A hot breath whispered in my ear. I almost stumbled off my seat when that happened.

Why is he here?

"Y-Yoongi..." I stuttered. I was about to break down in tears. Why the hell is he here?

"Didn't you miss me?" He asked with an evil smirk playing upon his face. He was walking towards me and I could feel my breath hitching.

"Why the fuck would I miss you?! Get away from me!" I exclaimed and I walked through the sea of people. I know it was kind of irrational, but then it just fucking hurt, okay? Plus the alcohol affects your emotions.

I walled to Hoseok who was still talking with them and I grabbed his hand.


I was really glad I got to talk to Hoseok. Now I know where that boy, whose name's apparently Jungkook, works. Now, I could request for him to be my photographer, then I'll get a shot, yeah?

Jungkook suddenly walked to us and grabbed Hoseok's hand. What's happening?

"Jungkook? What's wrong?" Hoseok asked.

"Hoseok, please let's go." Jungkook said and he looked like he was starting to tear up.

"Hey, why are you crying??" Hoseok asked looking real panicked. He came over to Jungkook to wipe his tears. "Are you drunk?" Hoseok asked. We were just listening to them talk.

"Yes, but please Hoseok, Yoongi's here." Then Jungkook started to cry more. It was starting to get weird, but then I felt sorry for him.

"Well, fuck that bastard. Where is he?" Hoseok practically growled.

"Let's just go. Please." He pleaded and Hoseok just nodded.

"Hey, I'll talk to you guys soon, I have to take him home." Hoseok said and gave us a weak smile and they went out of the bar.

"What was that all about?" Jimin asked as he kept drinking.

"I dunno." Namjoon shrugged.

"Who's Yoongi?" It was my turn to ask.

"Well, as far as I know. Someone who's like you." Namjoon said as he continued wiping glasses.

"Like me?"

"Yeah, I see him here every time flirting with guys. I guess Yoongi played with Jungkook." He shrugged, giving some logical explanation to what happened awhile ago.

"Oh...." Is what I just said.

After an hour or two, we decided to go home and I had to drive Jimin home since he was so wasted. I hold my alcohol better than him obviously.

When I got home, I immediately plopped myself in bed and all I could think of was Jungkook. I wanted to know more about him since he's the first guy who turned me down, but then should I really go through mg plan when I know the guy's brokenhearted?

God, when did I get so soft-hearted? I think I just need some sleep.


The next morning, I woke up with a splitting headache. God, my head it fucking hurts. I looked at the clock and it was already 11:23 in the morning. I don't even wanna go to work today. Jesus Christ.

But then my phone rang and I had to pick it up since it was my boss.

"Hello?" I said groggily through the phone.

"Hello? Jungkook? Please come in to work now. I have a special job for you." He said.

"O-Okay.... I'll be there as soon as possible." I said then he hung up. I sat up and swayed my legs to the edge of my bed, clutching my head in my hand. I stood up and walked slowly. God, I just hated hangovers. I walked to the kitchen and drank water and a Tylenol.

I took a bath and dressed up. I just ate cereal and got my things, walking out of my apartment. I got into my car and drove off to my company.


"Okay so Jungkook, meet your new client."

We walked up to a guy with orange hair and it looks awfully familiar.

"Mr. Kim, here's your assigned photographer." My boss said and the 'mysterious' guy turned around. It was none other than Kim Taehyung. Surprise Surprise. Not really the first choice of person I wanted to see.

"Hello, Mr. Kim. Thank you for picking me out as your photographer." I said, bowing my head.

"Pleasure's all mine." He winked.

God, I could say I hate him already.

Hey! So I finally updated! Yay! Sorry for the late update! Huhu T^T but hey I finally updated! Yay! So yup hating... Please pray for me not to fail any subject coz my phone's gonna get taken away from me huhu T^T Anyways thanks to @vkookcells_ for the new cover! Yay! Hope you liked it! Bye~

Sydney (。・ω・。)

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