Chapter 6: In Which Zoeya Meets Her Captor(s) At Last

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She woke up in a different room with many of the same qualities as the bloody lab. The main one being the blood. In fact, the only difference was there were cells surrounding the giant machine in the center of the room. And she was in one of them. The horror was a bit better, and it looked like someone had made a vague attempt to tidy the gore. She heard the chuckle for the third time that - day? Week? Month? Time was all jumbled up, like the algorithms in Rythian's magicky thingies. This time though, she saw him. Blonde hair, blood smeared across his face, and splattered across his goggles. There were few surfaces on him that were not covered in blood. He had a triumphant smile across his face, like he'd just won a - 

"Ah, hello, Zoeya. You have been very cooperative so far, haven't you? It's a good thing you were, or else I would have lost the bet!" -oh come on. "Of course, the only thing that can catch a mad scientist is another mad scientist, so I suppose victory was inevitable." Outraged, Zoeya forgot her fear and started shouting, "You are not a mad scientist! I am a mad scientist, you're evil, and mean! Tell me why I'm here, where here is, and let me go home! I want answers, and chocolate milk, but mostly answers!" "You insolent little brat, do not speak to me! Do not defy me, little girl, that is a very, very dangerous thing to do! You will not get answers until I say so!"  He screamed, rattling the bars of her cell. She hurriedly backed away from him into the corner of the small room, next to a nest of blankets that she supposed was her bed.

A woman with purple skin and a sly face stepped into the room. Except for her skin, which was now glowing, she seemed normal enough. Until she smiled and Zoeya saw her rows of fangs, and that her eyes were milky lavender with black slits for pupils. "Lalnable, is that any way to treat a guest? You may have won the bet, but that does not excuse rudeness." At least her voice was normal. "Which reminds me, Chaona, dear, you owe me ten quid." The man, who she assumed was Lalnable, appeared to have calmed down. The smirk was back though. The woman sighed and reached into her dress, pulling out several crumpled bills. Lalnable counted them out and slipped them into his lab coat pocket. Seeing Zoeya's confusion, he explained, "Chaona, or Mother Flux, as you know her, and I had a bet concerning your obtainment. I didn't capture you, I had to clean my lab. I capture you, she pays me ten quid. I, obviously, won." The woman rolled her eyes. "You really do need to clean, Lalnable. It's getting out of control." "Oh, who cares? My work is bloody, any attempt to clean would interfere with my progress!" he left with a huff, leaving Zoeya with Chaona. 

She smiled at the frightened girl, and said, "I suppose you will want answers, won't you? You know, it's quite lucky for us you were captured first try. If we failed, you would tell everyone, making this whole thing a lot harder." "What whole thing?" Zoeya asked. "Why would you need me?" "Oh, don't worry dear, we need everyone. It just seemed you would be a good first try. Though I apologize on Lalnable's behalf, he appears to have used quite a lot of sedatives on you. You have only been here three days, we are currently at one of Lalnable's outposts, and we need you for total domination of this world. Better?" "Um," Zoeya squeaked.

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