Chapter 8: Where's Charlie?

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Zoeya feigned sleep as Strawfingers flung open the door to the old Clone Cell Research Lab. That was what they called it anyway, Zoeya just called it the Smelly Room with a Giant Frickin' Computer in the Middle. So far, Strawfingers, Chaona, and Lalnable had made appearances in that room, with more sworn to be on their way. She tried not to think about that very much. She heard the usual crunchy hay footsteps she associated with the purple scarecrow, but this time there were also haphazard ones, like someone was being dragged forcibly. Then she heard a woman scream, "Let me go! I just want to go back to Duncan, please just let me go! I won't tell anyone, I swear! Please!" Then sobbing. Someone was definitely being dragged forcibly.

She fake-stirred and acted like he had just woken her up with the noise. "Wh-who'sere?" She mumbled blearily. "This whiny thing is your new roommate Charlie, um, uh, Duncan's girlfriend? Honestly, I have no idea what to do with her, and - Lalnable didn't give me the damn keys to her cell! Blast that man! Oh wait, he'd probably do it himself. Anyway, can you please take her and shut her up? This weeping is giving me the worst headache, NanoSounds wasn't at all like this when she stayed with me. Blast! Just take her! I'm late for tea and now my biscuits will be cold. Here," he said, slamming open the door to Zoeya's cell and shoving Charlie in.

Zoeya didn't know what to make of the scarecrow. His main job was just standing around and making whiny comments. "Oh, do I have to get her her food? I always do the dirty work around here, I never get anything in return." His only enemy was Sjin, and since everyone had at least a love-hate relationship with the farmer, she couldn't figure out for the life of her why he was in the group at all.

Charlie had gone from looking distraught to looking incensed. "What - What the hell? He - What? Whiny? That son of a bitch, I'll show him whiny, he'd certainly be whiny if he had just had a bag over his head - not even a very nice smelling bag, might I add - And he's going on about me being whiny?!"

"Oh, um, Charlie, two things: One, Strawfingers is already whiny, he doesn't need you to show him whiny, two, we are in a cell. And he has left. There, uh, there's really no point now. Also, unngh, yes this is where I've been for gaaaahhh the past week. Huuurrrrgh,hello."

The last part was a bit strained as she literally had to pry the furious blonde off of the cell bars. Charlie whirled around and ran her fingers through her hair, pacing like a mad woman. Well, she was mad, Zoeya supposed. She was mad at Strawfingers. So pacing was actually acceptable.

"Zoeya? Oh, God, you've been prisoner here? In this awful place? You poor thing!" Charlie finally noticed her new companion, and her features noticeably softened as she sank down onto the hard cot that was their bed. She looked sympathetically at Zoeya.

"I'm so sorry," she said sadly. "I've no right to complain, not with you having been here for a week."

"That's OK," Zoeya said in the most cheerful voice she could muster. "It's not your fault or mine. You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Teep - he's your friend, yeah?" Charlie asked, trying to distract them both from their situation.

"Yeah, he, er, he's one of the many mute dinosaurs I know," Zoeya said jokingly, grateful for the diversion.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm a vet, so if any of them get sick, you tell 'em to call me, OK?" Charlie replied.

"Will do. Why do you ask, by the way?" Zoeya questioned.

"Oh, well, Teep's one of my patients, and he talks about you a lot," Charlie answered. Seeing Zoeya's inquiring look, she added, "Not really talking, he writes stuff down in a notebook I keep handy for him."

"Really? I wouldn't have thought he could write much, with his teeny arms and all," Zoeya said excitedly at the new information.

And so the conversation continued for hours until both girls fell asleep where they were sitting, completely forgetting the evil group that had brought them together in the first place.

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