Chapter 1

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*Hey everyone. So I'm starting this new phanfic. Hope you enjoy it!*

(Phil's POV)

The rain was beating down on me. I hated water in the first place. Let alone cold painful little drops of it pelting me. I quickly hid under a tree. The tree didn't fully keep the rain off of me but it did an okay job.

I sat and waited for the rain to stop. But it didn't. It just kept raining and raining. I looked around. It was dark but I had good vision at night. I saw far off light. A town maybe?

I had been walking for a while and I finally saw light. I ran towards the faint light, stopping at every few trees to hide from the rain. I ran closer and realised it was a town. A big town really.

The rain let up a bit and I walked down the street. People kept looking at me but I ran from them. I kept looking around. I didn't actually know what I was looking for but I would know it when I saw it.

I got tired and sat down along a wall. The rain stopped and I was grateful that it did. I sat and watched people and cars and busses drive by. It was late and not many people were walking. Then there was this one person that caught my eye. They were talking on their phone. They walked by me and stopped close enough that I could here them.

"Hey Chris what's up?..... Yeah it's nice here..... I'm leaving tomorrow..... Okay.... Yeah.... I'll call you tomorrow when I land.... See yeah.. Bye."

He hung up the phone. The man had brown hair and was wearing a hat. He had black skinny jeans on and a black jacket.

He walked more and I decided that maybe I should follow him. I trotted along behind him and he soon stopped. We went into a building and I tried to stay out of sight. He went to a lift and he would see me if I went in after him so I jumped on someone's bag.

It was a lady and she was holding a big purse so I jumped in quietly. She got in the lift. We rode upwards in silence. The lift then stopped the man walked out and so did the lady. They went opposite ways so I jumped out. She didn't even notice so that was good.

I followed the man and he stopped and went into a room. I ran after him but he shut the door right before I got to it. I sat by the door.

Should I scratch on the door and wait for him to answer? But what if he didn't like cats? What if he did? I decided to just scratch anyways and see what happens.

Nothing. Nothing happened. I scratched again. Meowing this time. Then I heard a click and the door opened. The man looked down at me. He smiled and crouched down.

"Well hello little kitty. What are you doing here?"

I meowed at him as if I was answering.

"Are you lost?"

He then looked at my collar that I forgot I was wearing.

"Hm... It doesn't have a number. It only has your name, Phil. I like that name."

He scooped me up and brought me into the room. It was a hotel room. I thought this is where he lived. But he did say he was leaving tomorrow on his phone. I guess I'll see what happens then. He set me down on the bed.

"I don't think they allow pets in here."

I just sat and looked at him. He was cute and I really wanted to stay with him. So I made big kitty cat eyes and looked at him. One glance made him give in.

"Alright, fine you can stay. But if I get in trouble then I'm... Im... Ugh never mind."

I already knew what he was going to say. He was going to say he would blame it on me. But how would he actually blame me for being in his room?

I laid down on the bed and watched him. He looked around for something. He then found a cup and scissors. He began to cut the cup in half and then filled it with water.

"Here's some water. I don't have cat food though. Do you like normal food? I have pizza."

I nodded and meowed. He looked at me confused.

"How can you understand me? Cats don't normally know what people are saying."

I didn't want to tell him just yet. Maybe later.

He just shrugged and got me some pizza and set it on a plate next to my water. I ate up the pizza quickly because I was starving from walking looking for a place to stay.

I was drinking my water and I saw the guy take his jacket off. He was wearing a black tee shirt. He then took of the hat he was wearing and he had ears! I know everybody has ears but I mean he had cat ears! I choked on my water and started coughing.

"Phil are you okay?"

He ran over to me and started patting my back. That's when I noticed he had a tail behind him. He had brown ears and a brown tail.

I stopped choking and he looked relieved. He set me down on the bed. He sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded and looked at him. How could I have just chosen a random person and they happened to be a neko? What luck! But wait. What if it's fake? Is his tail even real? I've seen people wear cat ears and tails and stuff before. But why would he cover them up if they were fake?

I, of course, was curious. I jumped over him and went to his ears. I started batting at them. He laughed. So I let my claws out and kept batting them. I scratched them but to my surprise they bleed. The line I scratched was red and I saw blood.

"Ow! Phil stop that!"

He snatched me up and set me on the bed. He wiped the blood off his ear and rubbed it on his pants. I looked at him confused.

"Don't do that Phil. You wouldn't like it if I scratched your ear, now would you?"

I shook my head. So he is a neko. By the way a neko is a person who has feline DNA in them. So basically they are half human half cat.

"I'll be right back."

He got up and went into the bathroom. Here's my chance! I can change now and show him that I'm a neko too. Or I could just stay in cat form.

I made my decision. I waited until the guy came out of the bathroom. I laid there on the bed. It wasn't to long and then I heard the door open.

"Hey Phil I was wondering if-"

*How'd you like it? Is it okay? Alright well I'll stop with the questions. See ya!
Stay strange, never be normal. *

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