Chapter 9

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Inside was-

"Oh my god." Dan breathed beside me.

What we were looking at was a room full of hospital beds with hybrid people strapped down to them. Little children, adults, old people. There were lots. All different types of hybrids too. Some were really interesting and some were, well, disturbing.

"Now I see why nobody wanted us in here." Dan said to me.

I nodded and shut the door behind me. I started walking up and down the rows of beds looking at the different hybrids. Dan was following behind me.

"Do you know what kinds of hybrids these are?" Dan asked.

"Some of them I know. Others, I'm not too sure about."

We came up to a bed with a little girl in it. She was awake and was looking at us. Her mouth was duck tapped shut.

"What kind is she?" Dan asked.

I looked at her. She had wings and a few feathers on her shoulders. 

"Is she a bird hybrid?" He asked.

I nodded and the little girl just stared at us. I wondered if she knew where she was and if she could understand us.

"She has avian DNA mixed in with her normal DNA." I told Dan.

The little girl laid still in her bed and didn't move. She just blinked and watched us. I felt bad for the poor thing. I looked at her body. She was strapped down to the bed. Her wings were underneath her but I could she the tips of them sticking out.

I stood there a second longer and just as I was about to go look at some other hybrids, Dan reached his hand out towards the girl. I quickly grabbed it away and he looked at me sadly.

"You can't touch them." I said.

"But why not?" He whined. "Look at her. She's so small and helpless."

I looked at the girl one more time. He was right she was pretty helpless. But what would we do with them if we did free these people? PJ wants us to do a test and we can't exactly hide them.

I pulled Dan over to an empty spot of the room so I could talk to him privately.

"We can't take them with us." I told him.

"But why?" He whined again.

"How do you expect to hide them when we have to do that test in a few hours?"

He just shrugged. I sighed and looked back at the hybrids.

"Maybe after the test we can come and get them." I told Dan.

Dan smiled widely and nodded. He went back over to them and continued looking at all of the people.

I knew we didn't have too much time left, so I told Dan that we can come back later and get them or even tomorrow. He liked that idea and then we left.
"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked Dan.

He nodded. After we came back from the strange room upstairs, I was showing Dan different ways to attack. He had accidentally scratched me early when we were practicing. We now just got done talking about ways to escape or to get out of situations if we had to.

"Well you did good. You remember the plans?" I asked him and he nodded his head again.

It was almost 8 so we went to the cafeteria and got food before we had to do some tests. Dan must have been hungry because he had two sandwiches, a small bag of chips, a bunch of pudding cups, and some cookies. I just had a sandwich and a brownie.

We sat at our usual table and began eating. Dan was scarfing down food and I just watched him. He looked at me and turned red.

"Hungry?" I said which he nodded.

When we were done we still had a half hour left so we took a quick nap.

At about nine,(PJ was fifteen minutes late) PJ woke us up and told us to follow him. Dan and I followed behind him silently. We went down halls and through doors. Then we made it to the front doors and through them. The fresh air surround us and we breathed in deeply.

PJ took us down the street. We walked about 15 minutes and then we made it to, you probably guessed it, Eclipse's Lab. I honestly hated this place.

We walked through the front main doors and was greeted by Eclipse.

"Why PJ, it is so nice of you to return Philip and his friend, uh, I didn't catch your name last time." She said to Dan.

Dan shrugged and I almost laughed at Eclipse's reaction.

"His name is Daniel, or Dan." PJ, that bastard, told her.

"Ah, Daniel." She said. "So nice to meet you, again."

Dan didn't say anything and just stared at her.

"What's your last name?" She asked. "PJ what's his full name?"

"Daniel James Howell." PJ told her.

Since when did PJ start helping Eclipse? The last time, before I ran away from here, they were enemies.

"Thank you." She said as she waved one of her masked friends over. "Look up information on Daniel James Howell." She said quietly but I heard her and so did Dan because we have really good hearing.

The masked person nodded and walked away. I looked over at Dan who was just standing there.

"Alright, well thank you again, PJ. You can go back to the Testing Room and get things ready." He nodded and Eclipse turned to us.

"Are you guys ready?" She asked but we stayed silent.

"Good because the testing is about to start. I'll be right back to come and get you when it's time." She left.

Four of the masked people grabbed us and pulled us towards two chairs against the wall. We sat and they stood around us. I leaned over to whisper to Dan.

"All of the fun is about to end here." I said and he shook his head.

"Not yet. I have one little plan for my friend Eclipse first."

Obviously Eclipse is not his friend but what could he have planned?

Eclipse walked out and came over to us. The masked guards stepped away from us.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Not quite yet." Dan said right before he-

*Hello everyone! I am sooo sport that this took me forever to update. It's been like, what, a month? Well anyways, thank you so much for reading this. I would also like to say thank you to the people who added this story to their reading lists. I honestly didn't think anyone would like this. =^.^= *

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